The Aftermath

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Date: November 26, 2004

Category: Shorts

Appearing: Graham, Paul, Geoff, Conor

Writing: Johnny_Lunchbox

Camera: Paul, Graham, Kate

Editing: Graham

Location: Graham's Parents' House


Graham, Geoff, and Conor are watching TV when Paul suddenly appears, much to their surprise. The three attempt to explain to Paul that his death was a prank that went horribly wrong. A series of flashbacks shows that they tried to resuscitate Paul with CPR, only to break his ribs, and then they tried to revive him using a car battery and some jumper cables, which they applied somewhere very awkward. This leaves Paul able to smell nothing but burning. Then they dumped Paul off in the Homo Mortuus Reserve and now Paul is a zombie. Unimpressed, Paul vows to eat the trio's brains in revenge.


Connor: Remember the other week, when Graham cut everyone from the sketch?
Paul: Yeah..?
Geoff: Connor did it.
[Connor hits Geoff]
Connor: We decided to play a little prank on Graham.
Paul: If you were playing a prank on him, shouldn't he have woken up surrounded by zombies?

[Geoff walks into the room with Paul's corpse and Graham in it, with Connor in tow]
Geoff: I got Connor, but Morgan was running really fast.
Graham: So he got away?
Geoff: Dude, he ran really far.
Graham: Like how far?
Geoff: Ottawa.
Graham: Yikes.


  • The "body" under the blanket is a bunch of pillows.
  • The video contains numerous references to previous other videos, including The Process, pwn'd and Field Guide to Homo Mortuus.
  • The battery is from Paul's father and is extremely heavy.
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