Weekly LRR Updates
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Post-Weekly Updates
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
8 | 592 | The Professor’s Funhouse (2024 Remake) | Graham | Kathleen, Beej, Ian, Nelson, Graham | Shorts | 25 December, 2024 |
The third of our 20th anniversary sketch remakes, it's the return of The Professor's Funhouse. | ||||||
7 | 591 | The Alternative (2023 Remake) | Graham, Paul, James, Nelson, Ben, Kathleen, and Matt | Graham, Paul, James, Nelson, Ben Ulmer, Kathleen, and Matt | Shorts | 14 December, 2023 |
A new take on our earliest “scripted” sketch The Alternative to Telemarketers returns as one of the three classic videos voted by viewers to receive a remake as part of our 20th Anniversary celebrations. | ||||||
6 | 590 | The Quantum Documentary (2023 Remake) | Graham and Paul | Graham, Paul, and Kathleen, with James and Matt | Shorts | 22 October, 2023 |
The Quantum Documentary returns as one of the three classic videos voted by viewers to receive a remake as part of our 20th Anniversary celebrations. | ||||||
5 | 589 | Five PS5s | Kathleen, Graham, and Paul | Paul | Shorts | 19 December, 2020 |
He's back again. | ||||||
4 | 588 | Ways to Spend Time in Isolation | LoadingReadyRun | Kathleen, Beej, Heather, Matt, Ian, Paul, Graham, Alex, James, Ben, Serge | Shorts | 30 May, 2020 |
Get creative, or don't. The description box isn't your dad. | ||||||
3 | 587 | Ways to #adulting | LoadingReadyRun | Kathleen, Heather, Matt Griffiths, Ian, Cam, James, Ben | X ways to Y | 27 April, 2019 |
Figure out how to do the thing, and then don't do it and watch Netflix instead. | ||||||
2 | 586 | Christmas Fanboys | LoadingReadyRun | Kathleen, Beej, Heather, Matt Griffiths, Cam, Paul, Graham, Alex, James | Shorts | December 25, 2018 |
Ugh, the fandom is at it again. | ||||||
1 | 585 | Before & After Pokemon GO | LoadingReadyRun | Cori, Alex, James, Paul, Heather, Cam, and Graham | Shorts | July 15, 2016 |
Everything seems so different since before we had Pokemon GO. |
Season Eleven
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
52 | 584 | The LoadingReadyRumble 2 | Graham | Everyone | Shorts | December 29, 2014 |
As our 11th complete season comes to a close, we decided the best way to remember everyone's favourite sketch characters was to have them brutally kill each other for our amusement. Or something. | ||||||
51 | 583 | A Little Drummer Boy | Paul | Paul | Music | December 22, 2014 |
This seemed like such a great plan on parchment. | ||||||
50 | 582 | The Xth Way to Y | Graham, Paul, Kathleen and James | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, James, Alex, Ben, Cam, Beej, Ian, and Harry | X ways to Y | December 15, 2014 |
Also known as: Ways to End "X Ways to Y" | ||||||
49 | 581 | No Laughing Matter | Graham & Kathleen | Graham, Paul, James, Kathleen, Alex, Cam, Beej, and Ian | CommodoreHUSTLE | December 8, 2014 |
Graham loves Christmas, there's just a little too much of it sometimes. | ||||||
48 | 580 | Not on Twitter | Paul | Paul, James, Kathleen, Cam, Alex, & Graham | Shorts | December 1, 2014 |
You can do your part to make things still be fun. | ||||||
47 | 579 | Desert Bus Opening Titles | Andy | Everyone | Music | November 24, 2014 |
Remember this gem from your childhood? | ||||||
46 | 578 | The Wire | Paul | Paul, Cam, Beej, James, Ian, Kathleen, & Alex | Shorts | November 17, 2014 |
Don't worry, even you won't know you're wearing this thing. | ||||||
45 | 577 | The New X Games | Kathleen & Paul | Graham, Paul, Beej, & Kathleen | Shorts | November 10, 2014 |
We haven't thrown ourselves off anything tall or flaming recently... | ||||||
44 | 576 | Superficial Intelligence | Paul | Graham, Kathleen, & Paul | Shorts | November 3, 2014 |
This game looked much better in the pre-rendered video they showed at E3. | ||||||
43 | 575 | Free Candy | Graham & Kathleen, with Cam & Alex | Graham, Paul, James, Kathleen, Alex, Cam, and Ian | CommodoreHUSTLE | October 27, 2014 |
It's Halloween at the Moonbase, and we're all rubbish. | ||||||
42 | 574 | Super Ripoff | Alex | Paul, Alex, and Beej | Shorts | October 20, 2014 |
All I'm saying is, no one LIKES getting robbed... right? | ||||||
41 | 573 | Wrenegade Wrapper | Paul | Paul and Cam (Kathleen in the stinger, uncredited) | Shorts | October 13, 2014 |
This means something... this is important... | ||||||
40 | 572 | Destiny Tales | Graham | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Beej, Cam, Alex | Shorts | October 6, 2014 |
Venture into the rich world of Bungie's Destiny. Rich with problems. | ||||||
39 | 571 | iOS 8 | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Paul, Alex, James, Kathleen, Beej, Raymond, Rachel Bradford | Shorts | September 29, 2014 |
The latest operating system brings us a variety of new, "useful" features. | ||||||
38 | 570 | Sorry to Interrupt | Paul | Alex, Cam, Paul, Beej, Kathleen (Graham and James in the stinger) | Shorts | September 22, 2014 |
Our apologies. So sorry. Once again, this is our bad. | ||||||
37 | 569 | Fixing the Stream | Paul | Alex, Cam, Paul, Beej | commodoreHUSTLE | September 15, 2014 |
Got to check under the hood every so often. | ||||||
36 | 568 | Professional Stabbists | Kathleen | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, Serge, Jo Stinson, Emily Jarrett, Eric Jarrett, Cam, Alex | Shorts | September 8, 2014 |
It's the hot new craze sweeping the nowhere. | ||||||
35 | 567 | Third Wheel Dating | Kathleen | James, Graham, Ash, Kathleen, Beej, Heather, Cam, Paul, Juliana, Alex, Jer, Tally | Shorts | September 1, 2014 |
A bicycle is way more stable than a tricycle, right? | ||||||
34 | 566 | Ways to Avoid Surveillance | All | Alex, James, Beej, Paul | X ways to Y | August 25, 2014 |
Sssssh! They're listening! | ||||||
33 | 565 | Antiquing | Paul | Beej | Shorts | August 18, 2014 |
Antique sales is a tough business. | ||||||
32 | 564 | Punchr | Paul | Paul, James, Graham | Shorts | August 11, 2014 |
Finally, a social network that does everything we want. | ||||||
31 | 563 | Heard But Not Seen | Paul | Graham, Cam, Kathleen | Shorts | August 4, 2014 |
The best kind of roommate is the one you barely notice. | ||||||
30 | 562 | Social Anxiety Fear Factor | Paul | Paul, Jeremy, Kathleen, Graham, James, Cam, Alex, Beej, Heather Dery, Ashley Turner | Shorts | July 28, 2014 |
It's the most vigorous contest of our age. | ||||||
29 | 561 | The Pair | Kathleen | Kathleen, Missie Peters and Monty Bjornsson | Shorts | July 21, 2014 |
Doing laundry has never been so briefly exciting, and then so enduringly embarrassing. | ||||||
28 | 560 | Google's Self-Driving Car | Paul | James, Paul and Cam | Shorts | July 13, 2014 |
On paper: Brilliant. In practice... ehhhhh? | ||||||
27 | 559 | Female Characters | Graham | Jeremy, James, Graham, Katleen and Cam | Shorts | July 7, 2014 |
Look, game development isn't as easy as people seem to think it is. | ||||||
26 | 558 | Alex's Stream | Graham and Kathleen | Alex, James, Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Cam and Beej | commodoreHUSTLE | June 30, 2014 |
The crew is taking to streaming very well, and Alex is taking to it maybe a little TOO well. | ||||||
25 | 557 | The Whole Story: Football | LoadingReadyRun | Paul | Shorts | June 23, 2014 |
With all the excitement surrounding the World Cup, it's important to consider the humble, prisoner-related origins of this now noble sport. | ||||||
24 | 556 | Doctors Hate Her | Graham | Missie Peters, Matt, Kathleen, Cam, Paul, James, Graham, Alex, Andrew Ferguson | Shorts | June 16, 2014 |
This is not covered by your insurance. | ||||||
23 | 555 | Design By Committee | Paul | Kathleen, Paul, Graham and James | Shorts | June 9, 2014 |
More heads are better than none! | ||||||
22 | 554 | Cleaning Day | Kathleen | Kathleen, Cam, Beej, Paul, Graham, Alex and James | commodoreHUSTLE | June 2, 2014 |
The Moonbase's eternal battle takes a turn for the wurst. | ||||||
21 | 553 | Drugs, Drugs, Drugs | Graham, Kathleen and Paul | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, James and Jessica Patrick | Shorts | May 26, 2014 |
A frank discussion of all the ways drugs can and will kill you. | ||||||
20 | 552 | Ways to Get Video Ideas | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Alex, James, Cam, Alex, Beej and Paul with Bradly Rains, Jeremy, Kathleen and Matt | X Ways to Y | May 19, 2014 |
They have to come from somewhere. Now you all know our secrets. | ||||||
19 | 551 | Staggeringly Fast Loans | Paul | Graham, Paul, Kathleen and James | Shorts | May 12, 2014 |
When you need some money right. Like RIGHT now. | ||||||
18 | 550 | The Dark | Paul | Paul and Graham | Shorts | May 5, 2014 |
It's brilliant! Think of the savings! | ||||||
17 | 549 | Krogslist | Graham and Kathleen | Graham, Beej and Alex | Shorts | April 27, 2014 |
It always pays to be the first out the gate with new innovations. | ||||||
16 | 548 | The Gatekeeper | Graham | Graham, Jeremy, Alex, James, Kathleen, Beej and Paul | Shorts | April 21, 2014 |
You may know him from The Internet. He knows what's right, so you don't have to. | ||||||
15 | 547 | The New Old Thing | Paul | Paul, Kathleen and Will Arnold | Shorts | April 14, 2014 |
Everything old is old again. | ||||||
14 | 546 | Live On Location | Paul | Paul, Graham and Kathleen | Shorts | April 7, 2014 |
Thank goodness for remote satellite technology. | ||||||
13 | 545 | Dirty Money | Paul | Beej, Paul and Kathleen | Shorts | March 30, 2014 |
He can fix your problem. Or something approximating your problem, anyway. | ||||||
12 | 544 | The File | Kathleen | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, James, Alex, Beej and Cam | commodoreHUSTLE | March 24, 2014 |
All the crew needs to do is upload this week's video... | ||||||
11 | 543 | EVERYTHING IS FINE | Paul | Paul, James, Alex and Serge | Shorts | March 17, 2014 |
Just calm down okay, everything is fine. | ||||||
10 | 542 | The IMAX Experience | Paul | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, James and Alex | Shorts | March 10, 2014 |
New innovations in charging more for movies. | ||||||
9 | 541 | A Fortunate Teller | Kathleen and Graham | Kathleen and Graham | Shorts | March 3, 2014 |
She has all the answers... | ||||||
8 | 540 | Math of the Montage | Paul | Paul, James, Cam and Kathleen | Shorts | February 24, 2014 |
Sometimes, there's only one way to do it. | ||||||
7 | 539 | The Whole Story: The Winter Olympics | LoadingReadyRun | Paul | Shorts | February 17, 2014 |
Deep into the very true and real history of everyone's favourite Olympics. | ||||||
6 | 538 | Flat Out | Kathleen | Graham, Cameron, Paul, Alex and James | Shorts | February 10, 2014 |
It can't be much fun to be the party that gets included for the amusement of the other parties. | ||||||
5 | 537 | CommodoreHUSTLE 034 - Laughter | Kathleen and Graham | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, James, Beej, Alex | commodoreHUSTLE | February 3, 2014 |
Graham and Paul hatch a plan to improve LRR's connection with their audience. | ||||||
4 | 536 | The New Chess | Paul | Graham and Paul | Shorts | January 27, 2014 |
The developers are always striving to make the best game for their fans. | ||||||
3 | 535 | The Warriors Return | Paul | Paul, Jeremy, Morgan, Ben Wilkinson, James, Cameron | Shorts | January 20, 2014 |
After years in "hiding" they have returned to exact their revenge. | ||||||
2 | 534 | The Bitcoin Conspiracy | Paul and Kathleen | Graham and James | Shorts | January 13, 2014 |
He's back, he's mobile, and you need to hear what he has to say. | ||||||
1 | 533 | Ways to Blow the Kickstarter Money | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, James, Alex, Beej, Matt, and Johnny Blakeborough | X Ways to Y | January 06, 2014 |
The first sketch of our KS-backed year of sketches... well, 2014 was fun(ded) while it lasted. |
Season Ten
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
52 | 532 | Twenty-Thirteen | Graham and Jeremy | Graham and Jeremy | Music | December 30, 2013 |
64K is back, just like they said they'd be, but the new generation is a disappointment. | ||||||
51 | 531 | The True Meaning of Boxing Day | Paul, Kathleen and Graham | Paul and |
Shorts | December 23, 2013 |
Our favourite children's show host tells us the story of Canada's biggest holiday. | ||||||
50 | 530 | Four PS4s | Paul | Paul and Graham | Shorts | December 16, 2013 |
He's back, and he's upgraded his collection. | ||||||
49 | 529 | What's Going On? | Graham, Kathleen and Paul | Graham and Alex | Shorts | December 9, 2013 |
Find out all the latest goings on, from your favourite local television personality. | ||||||
48 | 528 | Hot & Saucey | Kathleen, Graham and Alex | Graham, Beej and Paul | Shorts | December 2, 2013 |
The arms race for the hottest of sauces knows no end. | ||||||
47 | 527 | The Desert Bus Rap | Graham, Ian and Andy | The organizers and volunteers of Desert Bus for Hope 7 | Music | November 25, 2013 |
Hey all you cool dudes and dudettes, check out this tubular new track from the Desert Bus Crew. It's the hippest new jam of the fall. | ||||||
46 | 526 | Pokeproblem | Paul | Graham, Kathleen and Maya | Shorts | November 18, 2013 |
Some Pokemon are less able-bodied than others, and we're here to help. | ||||||
45 | 525 | Internet Opinions | Graham, Kathleen and Paul | Graham, Kathleen, Paul and Alex | Shorts | November 11, 2013 |
The most important public service announcement on the internet. | ||||||
44 | 524 | The Bodypaint Problem | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, Beej, Cameron and Alex | Beej and Graham | Shorts | November 4, 2013 |
Among all the options you could choose for a Halloween costume, some are far worse than others. | ||||||
43 | 523 | Murdercide | Graham, Kathleen, Alex, Cameron and Beej | Kathleen, James, Paul, Graham, Alex, Jeremy, Missie and Arlo | Shorts | October 28, 2013 |
The newest instalment in the Murdercide saga will shake you to your damp core. | ||||||
42 | 522 | The Hero We Deserve | Paul | Paul, Cameron, Graham, Kathleen, James and Missie | Shorts | October 21, 2013 |
Look on in awe at the amazing adventures of Guy with a Cell Phone Man! | ||||||
41 | 521 | Enlightenment Gear | Paul | Paul and Andy | Shorts | October 14, 2013 |
Mark Sauceman shows you how to get the advantage on your enlightenment. | ||||||
40 | 520 | Ways to Slack Off | Kathleen, James, Beej, Cameron and Alex | James, Kathleen, Cameron, Alex and Beej | X Ways to Y | October 8, 2013 |
When the cat's away, the mice will eat candy and screw around all weekend. | ||||||
39 | 519 | Badly Broken | Graham | Kathleen, James, Graham, Paul and Alex | Shorts | September 30, 2013 |
What happens when the meth runs out? | ||||||
38 | 518 | Relaxation Situation | Paul | Graham, James, Paul and Kathleen | Shorts | September 23, 2013 |
Because nothing is more relaxing than a giant floating head. | ||||||
37 | 517 | The Story of Beej | Paul | Beej, Cameron, Graham, Paul and Kathleen | commodoreHUSTLE | September 16, 2013 |
He is more meme than man, but we have the technology. | ||||||
36 | 516 | Munro's Meats | Andy | Beej, Kathleen and Jeremy | Shorts | September 9, 2013 |
You can't beat our meat! But you can try. | ||||||
35 | 515 | Papers, Please | Alexander Roedener | Andy, Graham, Paul, Cameron, Beej, Alex and James | Shorts | September 2, 2013 |
Please be ready to declare all of the funny with this very special episode of Loading Ready Run. | ||||||
34 | 514 | Xannathor | Kathleen, James, Paul and Cameron | Matt, Kathleen and Graham | Shorts | August 26, 2013 |
Xannathor, the H is silent. It's probably right for you. | ||||||
33 | 513 | The Whole Story: Batteries | Paul | Paul | Shorts | August 19, 2013 |
Learn more about batteries -- how they were invented, what they're made of, and how many people they've killed... | ||||||
32 | 512 | The New Timezones | Paul | Paul, Graham, and James | Shorts | August 12, 2013 |
Newer, better timezones for our modern age. | ||||||
31 | 511 | The Fountain | Paul | Paul, Graham, and Jeremy | Shorts | August 5, 2013 |
Some men will stop at nothing to unearth the world's secrets. Others will. | ||||||
30 | 510 | Floating Solo | Daniel Saunders and Paul | Graham and James | Shorts | July 29, 2013 |
In the quiet expanse of space, loneliness might be preferable. | ||||||
29 | 509 | Keeping Up with the Times | Kathleen | Kathleen, Cameron, and Paul | Shorts | July 22, 2013 |
Move forward, while looking back. Looking back, at a rabbit. | ||||||
28 | 508 | The Couch | LoadingReadyRun | James, Alex, Cameron, Kathleen, Paul, and Heather Dery | Shorts | July 15, 2013 |
Sometimes, it's pretty obvious when you've made a poor choice. | ||||||
27 | 507 | Open and Shut | Graham | Graham, Tally, Jeremy, Kathleen, James, Paul, Cameron, Heather Dery, and Johnny Blakeborough | Shorts | July 8, 2013 |
The emotional perils of an open relationship don't end when it does. | ||||||
26 | 506 | The Canadian | Paul with James, Kathleen, and Graham | Paul, Cameron, James, Kathleen, and Graham | Shorts | July 1, 2013 |
Learn about the strange creatures that inhabit this wild land. | ||||||
25 | 505 | Man of Steal | Paul | Cameron, Paul, and Beej | Shorts | June 24, 2013 |
The movie studios are getting pretty desperate for ideas. | ||||||
24 | 504 | PlaceholderURL.com | Paul | Paul, Graham, and Kathleen | Shorts | June 17, 2013 |
Business lesson #85: Roll with the punches. | ||||||
23 | 503 | Homebrew Hobby | Kathleen with Cameron and Maya Kramer | Kathleen, Graham, James, Paul, Cameron, and Beej | commodoreHUSTLE | June 10, 2013 |
Being web video producers isn't all about producing web video. | ||||||
22 | 502 | Ways to Make Money | LoadingReadyRun | James, Kathleen, Graham, Paul, and Cameron | X Ways to Y | June 3, 2013 |
Forget summer jobs, we've got your vacation budget covered. | ||||||
21 | 501 | Meatfist's Terrible Choice | Paul | James, Jeremy, and Kathleen | Shorts | May 27, 2013 |
Sometimes it may sound like a trick question and other times the villain just has terrible foresight. | ||||||
20 | 500 | The 500th Video | Paul | Graham, Paul, James, Kathleen, Jeremy, Cameron, Alex, and many others | Shorts | May 20, 2013 |
LoadingReadyRun uses its 500th weekly update, to reflect on the first 499. | ||||||
19 | 499 | SPRING! | Graham | Graham and Paul | Shorts | May 13, 2013 |
Spring is basically the best season ever, bro. | ||||||
18 | 498 | The Travel Bug | Kathleen | Andy and Kathleen | Shorts | May 6, 2013 |
Travel plans become more and more difficult with the dangers and inconveniences of the less than modern world. | ||||||
17 | 497 | The Thin Blue Clue | Paul | James, Paul, Jeremy, Graham (voice), Kathleen (voice), and Matthew Murray (voice) | Shorts | April 29, 2013 |
Only a team of specialists can track down a killer this twisted. | ||||||
16 | 496 | The Stuck Up | Beej | Paul, Kathleen, and Beej | Shorts | April 22, 2013 |
Muggings are getting so cliché these days. | ||||||
15 | 495 | Crime Pays | Paul | Jeremy and Paul, with Beej, James, and Kathleen | Shorts | April 15, 2013 |
A trip to the ATM could turn into something much more sinister. | ||||||
14 | 494 | Yes Man | Paul and LoadingReadyRun | Beej, Graham, Cameron, Kathleen, Paul, Alex, and Kate | Shorts | April 8, 2013 |
The folks at LoadingReadyRun give us an inside look into political commentary. | ||||||
13 | 493 | Men Easter | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, and James | Graham, Kathleen, James, Paul, Matt, and Beej | Shorts | April 1, 2013 |
Spending time with family is overrated - watch the MEN network instead! | ||||||
12 | 492 | The Whole Story: Pants | Paul | Paul | Shorts | March 25, 2013 |
Learn more about pants and their rich history. | ||||||
11 | 491 | The Theatre of the Mind | Kathleen | Beej, Kathleen, James, and Jeremy | Shorts | March 18, 2013 |
Being a good DM is harder than it looks. | ||||||
10 | 490 | Frank Miller's SimCity | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, and James | Paul, Graham, James, and Kathleen | Shorts | March 11, 2013 |
Frank Miller's SimCity makes the city much darker than before. | ||||||
9 | 489 | That's No Moon | Andy | Paul and Graham | Shorts | March 4, 2013 |
To be fair, it isn't a space station either. | ||||||
8 | 488 | Filtergram | Graham and Kathleen | Kathleen, Paul, and Cameron | Shorts | February 25, 2013 |
Just eating your food is for losers. Taking ugly pictures of food is where it's at. | ||||||
7 | 487 | Harlem Shake | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, and James | Paul, Graham, Kathleen, James, Beej, and Geoff Howe | commodoreHUSTLE | February 18, 2013 |
You may have heard of this popular Internet thing, it's called "The Harlem Shake." | ||||||
6 | 486 | Ways to Spend Valentines | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, James, Graham, Kathleen, Alex, Beej, and Heather Dery | X Ways to Y | February 11, 2013 |
Tips for surviving Valentine's Day when you're solo. | ||||||
5 | 485 | Wizard Chat | Paul | Paul and Graham with Alex, Beej, and James | Shorts | February 4, 2013 |
Wizards can be quite helpful when it comes to fashion. | ||||||
4 | 484 | CMN | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, and James | Kathleen, Graham, Paul, and Beej | Shorts | January 28, 2013 |
Have you ever wanted to win the Tour de France? Who hasn't, and now you're one step closer. | ||||||
3 | 483 | Junk in the Trunk | Paul | Cameron, Beej, Paul, James, Alex, and Kathleen | Shorts | January 21, 2013 |
The mob doesn't like people who talk. At all. About anything. | ||||||
2 | 482 | The NASA Conspiracy | Paul, James, and Graham | Graham, James, and Kathleen | Shorts | January 14, 2013 |
This puts the entirety of the NASA program in a new light. | ||||||
1 | 481 | Resolved | Graham, Kathleen, James, and Beej | Matt, James, Kathleen, Graham, Beej, and Andy | commodoreHUSTLE | January 7, 2013 |
I resolve never to make resolutions again. |
Season Nine
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
53 | 480 | Rapidfire 3: Episode 6 | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, James, Beej, Cameron, and Dan Ross | Paul, Kathleen, Graham, Matt, James, Jeremy, ALex, Dan Ross, Cameron, Beej, Kate, Ian Jacek, Missie Peters, Tally, and Heather Dery | Rapidfire | December 31, 2012 |
This week you get the chance to experience Narnier in all of its glory. | ||||||
52 | 479 | Efficiency | Kathleen | Andy, Kathleen, Cameron, and Paul | Shorts | December 24, 2012 |
WHy are you wasting your time reading this when you could be watching the episode already? | ||||||
51 | 478 | Rapidfire 3: Episode 5 | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, James, Beej, Cameron, and Dan Ross | Paul, Kathleen, Graham, Matt, James, Jeremy, Kate, Tally, Alex, and Cameron | Rapidfire | December 17, 2012 |
In a very special episode Bob Ross shows us how to paint some very happy trees. | ||||||
50 | 477 | Jonny Five | Graham | Graham | Shorts | December 10, 2012 |
Jonny gets back to us concerning his trip abroad. | ||||||
49 | 476 | Rapidfire 3: Episode 4 | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, James, Beej, Cameron, and Dan Ross | Paul, Kathleen, Graham, Matt, James, Jeremy, Missie Peters, Tally, Alex, Kate, and Andy | Rapidfire | December 3, 2012 |
The Canadian alert system has been going a little haywire as of late. | ||||||
48 | 475 | Desert Power | Graham with Ian Horner, Kroze, Dix, and the Chat | Quite a lot of people | Music | November 26, 2012 |
In case you needed a quick recap of this year's Desert Bus. | ||||||
47 | 474 | Rapidfire 3: Episode 3 | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, James, Beej, Cameron, and Dan Ross | Paul, Kathleen, Graham, Matt, James, Jeremy, Beej, Missie Peters, Tally, Alex, and Cameron | Rapidfire | November 19, 2012 |
Can you handle the non-stop barrage of hilarity? | ||||||
46 | 473 | Rapidfire 3: Episode 2 | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, James, Beej, Camreon, and Dan Ross | Paul, Kathleen, Graham, Matt, James, Jeremy, Missie Peters, Tally, Alex, Cameron, Ian Jacek, Dan Ross, Adam Hancock, Lindsey Burnett, and Vikkie Moule | Rapidfire | November 12, 2012 |
Take this shot of hilarity. | ||||||
45 | 472 | Rapidfire 3: Episode 1 | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, James, Beej, Cameron, and Dan Ross | Paul, Kathleen, Graham, Matt, James, Jeremy, Missie Peters, Tally, Alex, Cameron, Ian Jacek, and Beej | Rapidfire | November 5, 2012 |
LoadingReadyRun assaults your senses in this barrage of hilarity. | ||||||
44 | 471 | On the Case | Graham, Kathleen, and Paul | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Kate, Cameron, Beej, and James | commodoreHUSTLE | October 29, 2012 |
Investigating, extorting, what's the difference? | ||||||
43 | 470 | Normal Activity | Kathleen, Graham, and Paul | Graham, Jeremy, and Kate | Shorts | October 12, 2012 |
Not all activities have to be paranormal. | ||||||
42 | 469 | The Birds, The Bees and The Bears | Kathleen | Paul, Kathleen, and Graham | Shorts | October 15, 2012 |
The sooner you have the talk the better. | ||||||
41 | 468 | The Crazy One | Graham and Kathleen | Kathleen, Beej, Cameron, and Paul with Dan Emmons, Alasdair Howe, Jeremy, Ian Jacek, Kate, Sol Kauffman, Nelson Salahub, and Graham | Shorts | October 8, 2012 |
Some people will go to any lengths to be on Reality TV. | ||||||
40 | 467 | Forward Facing | Graham | Graham, Paul, James, Kathleen, Beej, Matt, and Jeremy | commodoreHUSTLE | October 1, 2012 |
The LoadingReadyRun crew plan for the future. | ||||||
39 | 466 | A New Maiden | Graham, Kathleen, and Andy | Andy and Kathleen with Paul | Shorts | September 24, 2012 |
So many maiden choices. Which suits your personality? | ||||||
38 | 465 | A Warning | Paul | Andy and Paul with Kathleen and James | Shorts | September 17, 2012 |
Be afraid, be very afraid. | ||||||
37 | 464 | Fairy Godparent | Kathleen | Kathleen and James | Shorts | September 10, 2012 |
The economy is even affecting the Fairy industry. | ||||||
36 | 463 | Seth McDebit | Timothy Jablonski | Matt, Kathleen, Alex, Graham, Paul, and Jeremy | Shorts | September 3, 2012 |
When you find yourself in over your head, you can call Seth McDebit. | ||||||
35 | 462 | Ways to Prepare for PAX | LoadingReadyRun | James, Kathleen, Graham, Paul, Kate, and Alex | X Ways to Y | August 27, 2012 |
The LRR crew gives you some helpful pointers to surviving PAX. | ||||||
34 | 461 | Snake Oil | Graham | Graham, Paul, Matt, and Kathleen | Shorts | August 20, 2012 |
I can't believe nobody's thought of this before. | ||||||
33 | 460 | Scout's Dishonor | Kathleen | Graham, Paul, Matt, James, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | August 13, 2012 |
When you go into the woods don't forget your phone. | ||||||
32 | 459 | Occupied | Andy | James with Paul | Shorts | August 6, 2012 |
Not going anywhere for a while? | ||||||
31 | 458 | Fear Itself | Paul | Graham, Paul, and Kathleen with James, Matt, and Alex | Shorts | July 30, 2012 |
There are always ways to make a tough job a little easier. | ||||||
30 | 457 | Jonny Four | Graham | Graham and Alex | Shorts | July 23, 2012 |
In his penultimate video, J-man takes a step backwards. | ||||||
29 | 456 | Pocket Planes | Alexander Roederer with LoadingReadyRun | James, Graham, and Kathleen with Paul, Alex, and Matt | Shorts | July 16, 2012 |
The ups and downs of the world's least consistent airline. | ||||||
28 | 455 | Giving It | Graham | Graham and Morgan | Shorts | July 9, 2012 |
A video of four-letter words, and words of other lengths too. | ||||||
27 | 454 | Ways to Spend Your Summer | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, James, Matt, Graham, Ashley Allman, LeeLee Scaldaferri, and Lindsey Burnett | X Ways to Y | July 2, 2012 |
Hard up for a way to waste your leisure time? We can help. | ||||||
26 | 453 | Mustache You a Question | Graham | Graham, James, Paul, Matt, and Kathleen | commodoreHUSTLE | June 25, 2012 |
Sometimes a mustache is not cool. | ||||||
25 | 452 | GearsGear | Paul | Graham, Paul, Matt, James, and Kathleen | Shorts | June 18, 2012 |
Mark Sauceman reveals a new breakthrough in car technology. | ||||||
24 | 451 | How to Find Free Wifi | Graham | Graham, Paul, James, Matt, and Kathleen | Shorts | June 11, 2012 |
The LRR crew dispenses some indispensable advice for getting online. | ||||||
23 | 450 | Find My Friends | Paul | Paul with Jeremy, Tally, Graham, James, and Kathleen | Shorts | June 4, 2012 |
A sneak preview from Apple's upcoming developer conference. | ||||||
22 | 449 | Friends and Family | Paul | Paul, Kathleen, and Matt | Shorts | May 28, 2012 |
Always, always read the fine print. | ||||||
21 | 448 | Punctu-action | Andy | Graham, Matt, Kathleen, and Paul | Shorts | May 21, 2012 |
Some punctuation marks should remain firmly on the page. | ||||||
20 | 447 | The Whole Story: The Pop Can | Paul, Graham, and James | Paul | Shorts | May 14, 2012 |
Nigel Fitzgerald Brouwer returns to take you on another historical journey. | ||||||
19 | 446 | Fun With Microwaves 3 | n/a | Kathleen, Paul, Graham, and James | Shorts | May 7, 2012 |
Much like their previous episodes, the LRR crew takes a week off from sketch comedy to bring you this. | ||||||
18 | 445 | The Bee Team | Graham and Kathleen | Tally, Cameron, Kate, Dale Friesen, Tim, Calvin Sevenhuysen, Graham, Matt, Kathleen, and James | commodoreHUSTLE | April 30, 2012 |
While the crew is away at Calgary Comic Expo, the Moonbase's case is left in other hands. | ||||||
17 | 444 | En Garde | Paul | Paul, Matt, Andy, and James | Shorts | April 23, 2012 |
The most important thing is to stay outside their vision cone. | ||||||
16 | 443 | Jonny Three | Graham | Graham and Andy | Shorts | April 16, 2012 |
J-fresh returns to prove that, the more people change the more... something. I forget. | ||||||
15 | 442 | The 720th Degree | Graham and Kathleen | Kathleen, Paul, Cameron, Graham, Wilson Chang, Joseph Wang, Eric Chi, Ian Fan, and Andrew Wong | Shorts | April 9, 2012 |
Game design is a process, and the process can be slow. | ||||||
14 | 441 | Some Kind of Geek | Andrew Metcalfe | Matt, Paul, James, Raymond Steacy, and Kathleen | Shorts | April 2, 2012 |
Some types of geek should not cohabitate. | ||||||
13 | 440 | PTA Meeting | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, James, and Andy | Paul, Holly Jonson, James, and Kathleen, with many others | Shorts | March 26, 2012 |
Rarely are parents and teachers on the same page. | ||||||
12 | 439 | Assassin Creeds | Graham | Andy, Paul, and Cameron | Shorts | March 19, 2012 |
Where do assassins come from? And why does this one look so awesome? | ||||||
11 | 438 | Ways to Do Your Taxes | Paul, James, and Scott Karr | Matt, Paul, Andy, and Kate | X Ways to Y | March 12, 2012 |
It's that time of year again, and LRR won't help at all. | ||||||
10 | 437 | Jonny Two | Graham | Graham and James | Shorts | March 5, 2012 |
Yer boy J-Man is back and you should've been there. | ||||||
9 | 436 | Spare Us, Gus | Alexander Roederer | Graham, Paul, and Kathleen | Shorts | February 27, 2012 |
Listen you guys, edible perennials are serious business. | ||||||
8 | 435 | Cruising | Graham | Matt, Graham, Kathleen, and Jess Bell | Shorts | February 20, 2012 |
College bathrooms seem to be a good place to meet new people. | ||||||
7 | 434 | The Break | Paul | Matt, Cameron, Kathleen, and Paul | Shorts | February 13, 2012 |
Sometimes you need some extra convincing before you'll accept the truth. | ||||||
6 | 433 | Shit People Say | Graham | Graham, James, Paul, Matt, and Kathleen | Shorts | February 6, 2012 |
Yes, we get it. People say the darndest things. | ||||||
5 | 432 | Pony Time | Devin Harrigan and Graham | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, James, Matt, and Jeremy | commodoreHUSTLE | January 30, 2012 |
the crew deals with an equine problem. | ||||||
4 | 431 | Jonny | Graham | Graham and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | January 23, 2012 |
Seriously. I've to tell you this story. You won't even. | ||||||
3 | 430 | Voluntourism | Graham | Graham and Matt | Shorts | January 16, 2012 |
Everyone wants to help people. For some, those people are themselves. | ||||||
2 | 429 | In Death as in Life | Tim | James, Paul, and Kathleen | Shorts | January 9, 2012 |
He rests as he lived: kinda neurotic and odd. | ||||||
1 | 428 | Questionably Legal Man | King Kool | Graham, Matt, Paul, Kathleen, James, Ben Wilkinson, Cameron, and Alex | Shorts | January 2, 2012 |
With the amazing power to kind of... just... y'know. Right? It's cool. Go with it. |
Season Eight
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
49 | 427 | Ways to Ring in the New Year | Paul and Kathleen | Paul, Kathleen, James, Kate, Ben Wilkinson, and Matt | X Ways to Y | December 26, 2011 |
Now that we've got Christmas out of the way, it's time to party! | ||||||
48 | 426 | Santa and Me | Graham | Graham and Kathleen | Music | December 19, 2011 |
Santa's first choices were probably busy, so he called Graham. | ||||||
47 | 425 | Formal Complaint | Andy | Graham, Kathleen, James, and Andy | Shorts | December 12, 2011 |
When you've got a complaint of this magnitude, a bakery seems like a good a place as any to take it. | ||||||
46 | 424 | Suspiciously Good Movers | Graham and Paul | Graham, Paul, and Kate | Shorts | December 5, 2011 |
WHen you need something moved in a little less time than it probably ought to take... | ||||||
45 | 423 | The Tale of Matt Wiggins | Jeremy and Graham | Ian Horner, Graham, Jeremy, Morgan, Matt, Paul, James, Katlheen, Fugiman, Kroze, King Kool, Tally, and Tim | Music | November 28, 2011 |
What happens at Desert Bus evidently gets fully realized a week later. | ||||||
44 | 422 | The Whole Story: Desert Bus | Paul | Paul | Shorts | November 21, 2011 |
Learn the length and breadth of this horrible game's history. | ||||||
43 | 421 | Rarelywinter | Graham | Jeremy, Dale Friesen, Jess Bell, Ryan Downing, Paul, Graham, James, Kathleen, and Tally | commodoreHUSTLE | November 14, 2011 |
Jer finds that he has more free time with less LRR in his life. | ||||||
42 | 420 | Outbid | Graham | Graham, Kathleen, and Matt | Shorts | November 7, 2011 |
Turns out everything is corporately owned these days. | ||||||
41 | 419 | Roll for Treats | Graham | Graham, Kathleen, Paul, Matt, James, Jeremy, and Tally | commodoreHUSTLE | October 31, 2011 |
Giving adults everywhere ideas for trick or treating. | ||||||
40 | 418 | Socially Awkward | Brian Soctt | Kathleen, Jeremy, James, Matt, Graham, Paul, Cameron, and Alex | Shorts | October 24, 2011 |
Social networks, by their nature, aren't really that social. | ||||||
39 | 417 | The Secret Life of Board Games | Graham | James, Paul, Graham, and Kathleen | Shorts | October 17, 2011 |
It's not just when you back is turned either, this is happening right in front of you! | ||||||
38 | 416 | Cruise Vacation | Paul | Cameron, Missie Peters, Matt, and Graham | Shorts | October 10, 2011 |
Is there, in fact, an upper tolerance for buffets? | ||||||
37 | 415 | Me Again | Graham | Paul and James | Shorts | October 3, 2011 |
Always decide in advance what you'll do in case of future you. | ||||||
36 | 414 | Duty Calls | Kathleen | Kathleen, Paul, and Graham | Shorts | September 26, 2011 |
Quests abound. | ||||||
35 | 413 | Annette, Internet Receptionist | Andy and Paul | Kathleen and Andy | Shorts | September 19, 2011 |
Hey, it's a dirty, thankless job, but somebody has to do it. | ||||||
34 | 412 | Whole Story - Fire Hydrants | Paul | Paul | Shorts | September 12, 2011 |
Nigel Fitzgerald Brouwer returns to tell you the hows and whys of fire hydrants. | ||||||
33 | 411 | Rent | Graham | Graham, Tim, Paul, and James | Shorts | September 5, 2011 |
Alternate payment plans can be helpful. | ||||||
32 | 410 | More Sleep | Paul | Alex, Jeremy, Kathleen, James, Paul, Graham, Matt, Craig Frank, and Brian Kimmet | Shorts | August 29, 2011 |
Truly the best option, in the face of any adversity. | ||||||
31 | 409 | Ways to Whiten Your Teeth | James, Paul, and Jeremy | Matt, Paul, Ashley Allman, and James | X Ways to Y | August 22, 2011 |
All viable possibilities. Viable, but maybe not ideal. | ||||||
30 | 408 | The Amendment | Graham and Paul | Brad Kirkland, Jeremy, Kathleen, Alex, and Paul | Shorts | August 15, 2011 |
Fighting for your rights you didn't even know you wanted to have. | ||||||
29 | 407 | Sickness | Graham | Matt, Paul, Graham, Alex, James, Kathleen, Jeremy, and Ken Steacy | commodoreHUSTLE | August 8, 2011 |
When an illness hits one of the LRR crew, it's like a house of... dominoes. Or... something. Leave me alone, I'm sick. | ||||||
28 | 406 | Fiscal Irresponsibility | Graham and Kathleen | Graham and Matt | Shorts | August 1, 2011 |
Sometimes you need a little motivation to make the poor choice. | ||||||
27 | 405 | Imagine If You Will | Graham and Kathleen | Graham, Kathleen, and Paul | Shorts | July 25, 2011 |
The good ideas get done to death because the bad ideas are stupid. | ||||||
26 | 404 | Smile | Graham Stark with everyone else | Jeremy, Matt, Kathleen, James, and Paul | Shorts | July 18, 2011 |
We assure you the cameras have your best interests at heart. | ||||||
25 | 403 | Job Security | Graham, Paul, Jeremy, James, and Mike Fenton | Graham, James, Jeremy, and Paul | Shorts | July 11, 2011 |
I can't stand Brian... he's such a whiner every time he respawns. | ||||||
24 | 402 | Canadian Girlfriend | Kathleen and Graham | Graham, James, Paul, and Matt | Shorts | July 4, 2011 |
Some problems create bigger, stupider problems. | ||||||
23 | 401 | Give In | Graham | Graham and Alex | Shorts | June 27, 2011 |
Your conscience is at odds with your decisiveness. | ||||||
22 | 400 | The Very Best of Room Tone | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Alex, and Jeremy | Jeremy, Paul, Kathleen, Graham, James, Matt, Ian Horner, and LeeLee Scaldaferri | Shorts | June 20, 2011 |
When you absolutely need a room to sound like a room. | ||||||
21 | 399 | Garagellenium | Graham and Kathleen | Graham, Paul, James, Matt, Kathleen, Jeremy, and Alex | commodoreHUSTLE | June 13, 2011 |
When you're out of ideas, the only thing you can do is go buy more. | ||||||
20 | 398 | Interrupt This Program | Graham | Matt, Alex, Kathleen, and Graham | Shorts | June 7, 2011 |
You've stayed up far too late if you've hit infomercial hour. | ||||||
19 | 397 | Ransom | Graham | Graham, Kathleen, Matt, Alex, Margaret Graham-Bell, Jeremy, and Cameron | Shorts | May 30, 2011 |
Some people just know exactly what they want, and how to get it. | ||||||
18 | 396 | Past Mistakes | Kathleen | James, Kathleen, Cameron, and Ashley Allman with Paul, Matt, Alex, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | May 23, 2011 |
Science means never having to say you're sorry. | ||||||
17 | 395 | The Whole Story: Spam | Paul | Paul | Shorts | May 16, 2011 |
Nigel Fitzgerald Brouwer takes us on a journey through the history of pressed meat. | ||||||
16 | 394 | Back It Up | Paul | Paul, Dale Friesen, Kathleen, James, and Graham | Shorts | May 9, 2011 |
Your data isn't going to back itself up; that much is certain. | ||||||
15 | 393 | Bright Ideas | Kathleen | Kathleen, Jeremy, and Wes Borg | Shorts | May 2, 2011 |
They aren't just mere ideas, they're envisioneering. | ||||||
14 | 392 | Ways to Clean Your House | James, Paul, and everyone else | James, Paul, Alex, Kathleen, and Graham | X Ways to Y | April 25, 2011 |
Whether it be due to a party, or sheer laziness, you'll have to deal with the mess eventually. | ||||||
13 | 391 | Cash Cats | Graham | Kathleen, Matt, Graham, James, Paul, Jeremy, Glen Mitchell, Khaavren, and Annika | commodoreHUSTLE | April 18, 2011 |
Kathleen tries to make money by putting videos on the Internet. Weird, huh? | ||||||
12 | 390 | Boy Wonder | King Kool | Paul, Graham, and Kathleen | Shorts | April 11, 2011 |
Or it could be Girl Wonder, gender isn't really the main qualifier here. | ||||||
11 | 389 | The First Rule | Paul | James, Paul, and Kathleen | Shorts | April 4, 2011 |
The First Rule is that Fight Club jokes are overplayed. | ||||||
10 | 388 | Columbus of the Internet | Graham and Kathleen | Cameron, Kathleen, Paul, and Jeremy | Shorts | March 28, 2011 |
Truly, the information superhighway's most intrepid explorer. | ||||||
9 | 387 | Bros Clubbing Bros | Graham | Alex, Graham, Jeremy, James, Kathleen, Paul, and Ed Bittner | commodoreHUSTLE | March 21, 2011 |
Bros don't let bros club bros. | ||||||
8 | 386 | Synchronize | Paul | Paul, Jeremy, Alex, Matt, Graham, Kathleen, and James | Shorts | March 14, 2011 |
It pays to be on time. | ||||||
7 | 385 | Reality Tear | Graham | Matt, Kathleen, Paul, James, Alex, and Morgan | Shorts | March 7, 2011 |
When your satellite signals get crossed, nothing good can happen. | ||||||
6 | 384 | Cursing | Andy | Graham, Matt, Paul, Kathleen, Jeremy, and Alex | Shorts | February 28, 2011 |
It's truly a lost art. | ||||||
5 | 383 | Ways to Close the Deal | Nathan Mosher | Nathan Mosher, Andy, Kathleen, Jeremy, Alex, and Paul | X Ways to Y | February 21, 2011 |
Sometimes the client needs a little encouraging. | ||||||
4 | 382 | Discount Deities | Graham and Kathleen | Graham, Matt, James, Paul, Kathleen, Morgan, and Jeremy | Shorts | February 14, 2011 |
H. J. Lovecarp approved! When you don't have the funds, Frank is there to help. | ||||||
3 | 381 | Impersonal Information | Paul | James, Jeremy, Paul, and Graham | Shorts | February 7, 2011 |
Protect your information online, but do it responsibly. | ||||||
2 | 380 | Sigma Theta Delta | Kathleen | Kathleen, Missie Peters, Tally, Paul, and Jeremy | Shorts | January 31, 2011 |
College: Training you to combine passiveness and aggression. | ||||||
1 | 379 | MEN | Graham | Paul, Matt, James, Jeremy, Graham, Kathleen, Alex, and Gibb | Shorts | January 24, 2011 |
Don't even think about changing the channel. We'll find you, and laugh at you. |
Season Seven
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
54 | 378 | The LRR CD-ROM Game | Paul and Jeremy | Paul, Jeremy, Graham, Matt, James, Kathleen, Alex, and Typeyournamehere | Shorts | January 17, 2011 |
All the fun of LRR with the added irritation of changing CDs every 10 minutes. | ||||||
53 | 377 | CEX | Graham | Graham, Jeremy, Kathleen, Matt, Alex, Paul, and James | Shorts | January 10, 2011 |
For all the latest tech news, check out the Consumer Electronics Expo. | ||||||
52 | 376 | Nuts & Bolts | Kathleen | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Jeremy, Alex, and James | Shorts | January 3, 2011 |
You don't have to be a nut to work here, and you're sick of that joke. | ||||||
51 | 375 | Getting In Touch | Paul | Alex, James, Kathleen, Paul (voice), Jeremy (voice), Matt (voice), and Graham (voice) | Shorts | December 27, 2010 |
Your inner child doesn't care about your grownup problems. | ||||||
50 | 374 | Santa Secrets | Graham | Paul, Kathleen, James, Alex, Graham, Jeremy, Matt, Tally, and Morgan | commodoreHUSTLE | December 20, 2010 |
The LRR crew engages in the fine tradition of not knowing what your friends want. | ||||||
49 | 373 | Ways to Avoid Christmas | Matt, Kathleen, Jeremy, Paul, James, Tally, and Graham | Matt, Kathleen, Jeremy, Paul, James, Tally, and Graham | X Ways to Y | December 13, 2010 |
Judging by when the mall started playing carols, we're about two months late on this. | ||||||
48 | 372 | Every OS Sucks | Paul | Wes Borg, Matt, Kathleen, Tally, and Missie Peters | Shorts | December 6, 2010 |
Frankly, we're surprised you're even able to watch this video. | ||||||
47 | 371 | James Cameron's Desert Bus | Paul | Jeremy, Graham, Kathleen, James, and Matt | Shorts | November 29, 2010 |
A visionary director, directs his vision... of a direction. That direction is "left." | ||||||
46 | 370 | Desert Bus Trailers | The Desert Bus Chat | The LRR crew and Desert Bus volunteers | Shorts | November 22, 2010 |
While the LRR crew toils away raising money for charity, they make liberal use of iMovie's trailer-maker to present some trailers. | ||||||
45 | 369 | It's Magic | Graham | Paul, Kathleen, Tim, Alex, Graham, Jeremy, Matt, James, and Dan Spiller | commodoreHUSTLE | November 15, 2010 |
The LoadingReadyRun crew is overcome with a burning need to cast card-based spells. | ||||||
44 | 368 | Decadent Sports League | Paul | James, Matt, Alex, Kathleen, Jeremy, Paul, Graham, Raymond Steacy, and Morgan | Shorts | November 8, 2010 |
What do you do when you've got too much money for golf and cricket? | ||||||
43 | 367 | Show Me Your Moves | Tally | Kathleen, Tally, Jeremy, and Graham (voice) | Shorts | November 1, 2010 |
Make sure to stretch ahead of time. | ||||||
42 | 366 | Trapped | Jeremy | Jeremy, Graahm, James, Alex, Kathleen, Tally, and Matt | Shorts | October 26, 2010 |
LoadingReadyRun returns to the basement, but will they leave? | ||||||
41 | 365 | Unaccustomed | Graham | Paul, Matt, James, Kathleen, and Jeremy | Shorts | October 19, 2010 |
Coming home is almost as nice as going on vacation. Sometimes. | ||||||
40 | 364 | Politically Minded | Even Williams | Graham, James, and Matt | Shorts | October 12, 2010 |
It's not about electing the best candidate; it's about electing YOUR candidate. | ||||||
39 | 363 | Mercenary Solutions 3 | Alex and Kathleen | Alex and Kathleen | Shorts | October 4, 2010 |
Even the world's most badass soldiers of fortune have occasional money trouble. | ||||||
38 | 362 | Bed Buggery | Paul | Graham and Matt | Shorts | September 27, 2010 |
You would cry too, if it happened to you. | ||||||
37 | 361 | The Basement | Graham | Alex, Jeremy, and Tim | Shorts | September 20, 2010 |
When you're completely stumped, recruit some unwilling help. | ||||||
36 | 360 | Trivial | Graham | James, Kathleen, Matt, Wes Borg, Graham, Paul, Ben Wilkinson, Tally, Jeremy, Raymond Steacy, Alex, and Tim | Shorts | September 13, 2010 |
It all starts out simply enough... | ||||||
35 | 359 | Gary | Paul | Paul, James, and Jeremy | Shorts | September 6, 2010 |
Hopefully someone at Blizzard knows what's going on. | ||||||
34 | 358 | More at 11 | Graham | Geoffrey Tomlinson-Hood, Chris Nohr, Morgan, Tally, James, Jeremy, Graham, Kathleen, Paul, and Matt | Shorts | August 30, 2010 |
Please watch our news. We need your ratings to live! | ||||||
33 | 357 | Spoken Word | Paul | Paul, Tim, and Jeremy | Shorts | August 23, 2010 |
See? Being an air traffic controller isn't THAT stressful. | ||||||
32 | 356 | Toothy Smile | Kathleen | Jeremy, Tally, Graham, Kathleen, Matt, and Missie Peters | Shorts | August 16, 2010 |
How many marketers does it take to save a toothpaste? | ||||||
31 | 355 | Bad News | Alex | Jeremy, Paul, Graham, Kathleen, and Tim | Shorts | August 9, 2010 |
Gaming bad guys have it tough. Whenever they try to relax, there's another problem. | ||||||
30 | 354 | Videogame Fighting Tournament | Graham | Graham and Paul | Shorts | August 2, 2010 |
Underground super-fighting tournaments have super-competition. | ||||||
29 | 353 | Ways to Use a Vuvuzela | Alex | Paul, Kathleen, Tim, and Graham | X Ways to Y | July 26, 2010 |
Admit it, you went and bought one. Now that no one cares about football anymore, what do you DO with it? | ||||||
28 | 352 | The Arms Race | Graham | Graham, Paul, James, Matt, Kathleen, and James von Landlord Whitney | commodoreHUSTLE | July 19, 2010 |
While Graham tries to fix a real problem, James and Matt are locked in mortal idiocy. | ||||||
27 | 351 | 106.7 The Drive | Kathleen and Graham | Graham, Matt, and Dale Friesen | Shorts | July 12, 2010 |
There are bad morning DJs. And then there are these guys... who are ALSO bad morning DJs. | ||||||
26 | 350 | Canada is Sorry | Kathleen and Graham | Jeremy, Paul, Matt, and Graham (narrator) | Shorts | July 5, 2010 |
Everything you never knew about apologies in this PSA from Canada. | ||||||
25 | 349 | Conan's Witnesses | Graham and Kathleen | Jeremy, Kathleen, and Matt | Shorts | June 28, 2010 |
Crom can be a very convincing deity. | ||||||
24 | 348 | Ways to Wake Someone Up | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Tim, Matt, James, Jeremy, Kathleen, Graham, and Bill | X Ways to Y | June 21, 2010 |
The much anticipated counterpart to the hit episode "Ways to Fall Asleep." | ||||||
23 | 347 | Fit To Print | Wes Borg | Wes Borg and Matt | Shorts | June 14, 2010 |
Making news isn't all it's cracked up to be. | ||||||
22 | 346 | Echo | Andy | Graham and Andy | Shorts | June 7, 2010 |
Sometimes, nature isn't so majestic. | ||||||
21 | 345 | A Stitch In Time | Paul | Paul and Alex | Shorts | May 31, 2010 |
Paul invents the Time Watch. | ||||||
20 | 344 | Installation Anxiety 2010 | Graham and Paul | Paul, Graham, and Morgan | Shorts | May 24, 2010 |
Linux is the perfect OS, isn't it? This week: PAUL@lrr:$ fdisk /dev/toaster/ | ||||||
19 | 343 | The Gay Chicken | Graham | Morgan, Bill, Jeremy, Tally, James, Matt, Graham, Kathleen, and Alex | commodoreHUSTLE | May 17, 2010 |
In this episode of commodoreHUSTLE, an all-out war erupts over a roommate situation. | ||||||
18 | 342 | Split Decision | Graham | Graham, Jeremy, Kathleen, James, and Paul | Shorts | May 10, 2010 |
Employment agencies can find a job for anyone. | ||||||
17 | 341 | Whiskey Tango Foxtrot | Paul | Morgan, Tim, Graham, and James | Shorts | May 3, 2010 |
The military has very strict guidelines on the makeup of a squad. | ||||||
16 | 340 | Informational Presentation | Graham | Kathleen, Matt, and Jeremy | Shorts | April 26, 2010 |
Everything you ever needed to know about graphs. | ||||||
15 | 339 | Scientist's Rebuttal to ICP | Graham and Kathleen | Paul, Graham, and Tally | Shorts | April 19, 2010 |
A scientist's rebuttal to the Insane Clown Posse. | ||||||
14 | 338 | Hot Water at PAX | Graham | James, Paul, Matt, Jeremy, Kathleen, Tim, Graham, Russ Pitts, and Brian Hicks | commodoreHUSTLE | April 12, 2010 |
Sharing a hotel room sucks. | ||||||
13 | 337 | Who You Gonna Call? | Paul | James, Paul, Jeremy, Kathleen, and Matt | Shorts | April 5, 2010 |
Logos can be so confusing. | ||||||
12 | 336 | Le Cafe | Paul | Andy, Paul, Graham, and Tim | Shorts | March 29, 2010 |
French restaurants have never been more French. | ||||||
11 | 335 | Redundancy | Alex | Jeremy, Paul, Ben, Matt, and Alex | Shorts | March 22, 2010 |
It's always a good idea to have a backup. | ||||||
10 | 334 | Ways to Fall Asleep | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Jeremy, Matt, Kathleen, Graham, Tim, Raymond Steacy, and James | X Ways to Y | March 15, 2010 |
If you're having trouble sleeping, try these simple cures. | ||||||
9 | 333 | Reduce Your Footprint | Graham | Graham, Jeremy, and Matt | Shorts | March 8, 2010 |
Sometimes being green just isn't enough. | ||||||
8 | 332 | Wireless | Graham | Graham, Kathleen, and Matt | Shorts | March 1, 2010 |
Phone calls in public places have a way of getting weird. | ||||||
7 | 331 | Man Cooking: Meatshroom | n/a | Morgan, Paul, and Tim | Other | February 22, 2010 |
A very special episode of Man Cooking, for vegetarians. | ||||||
6 | 330 | Olympic Beard Growing | Paul | Jeremy, Paul, Matt, Graham, James, Tim, and Morgan | Shorts | February 15, 2010 |
Action News covers one of the most hotly contested events of the 2010 Vancouver Games. | ||||||
5 | 329 | Green | Tim | Tally, Tim, Morgan, and Jeremy | Shorts | February 8, 2010 |
When two guys want the same thing, sometimes they take it to the extreme. | ||||||
4 | 328 | iPotato | Paul | Graham, Tim, Kathleen, Jeremy, James, and Paul | Shorts | February 1, 2010 |
Apple announces the latest in vegetative technology. | ||||||
3 | 327 | Just Drive | Paul | Matt, Paul, James, Ben Wilkinson, Jeremy, and Kathleen (voice) | Shorts | January 25, 2010 |
A fugitive runs, or at leat rides, to escape his pursuers. | ||||||
2 | 326 | Paper Boy | Graham, Tim, Paul, Morgan, James, and Jeremy | Graham, Tim, and James | Shorts | January 18, 2010 |
Fine dining has been taken to a whole new level. | ||||||
1 | 325 | The Job | Graham | Graham, Paul, Jeremy, James, Kathleen, Matt, and Tim | Shorts | January 11, 2010 |
Graham and Paul assemble a crack team of professionals to take on what might be the most difficult job ever. |
Season Six
#top |
Note: How to LRR was intended as the finale for Season Six. However, due to the contract with the Escapist, Season Seven started in January rather than October. Thus, from The Secret of the Sauce through Wakey Wakey can be thought of as a kind of 'Season 6.5', though they are considered part of Season Six for most purposes, including DVD releases.
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
64 | 324 | Wakey Wakey | Vikkie Moule | Paul, Tim, Kathleen, Jeremy, and Graham | Shorts | January 4, 2010 |
It's nice to know your friends care. | ||||||
63 | 323 | Frozen Assets | Tim and Kathleen | Graham, Matt, Paul, Morgan, and Alex | Shorts | December 28, 2009 |
Any money-making plan that involves the word "thaw" is on shaky ground to start with. | ||||||
62 | 322 | Merry Christmas Graham Stark | Kathleen | Graham, Jeremy, Tally, Kathleen, Paul, and Matt | Shorts | December 21, 2009 |
Somewhere, there are people qualified to tell good ol' Graham Stark what Christmas is all about. These may not be them. | ||||||
61 | 321 | Phone Manner | Graham | Graham and Alex | Shorts | December 14, 2009 |
Adding a little extra something to an otherwise boring business call. | ||||||
60 | 320 | Matt Gets His Groove | Graham | Matt, Graham, James, Jeremy, Tally, Paul, Morgan, and Megan Palandri | commodoreHUSTLE | December 7, 2009 |
Matt needs some space. That space is roughly Graham-shaped. | ||||||
59 | 319 | Tucson or Bust | Andy | Andy, Graham, Paul, Matt, James, Bill, Kathleen, Morgan, Jeremy, Tally, Tim, and Alex | Shorts | November 30, 2009 |
Andy + Desert Bus, what's not to like! | ||||||
58 | 318 | Mercenary Solutions 2 | Alex and Kathleen | Alex, Kathleen, and Raymond Steacy | Shorts | November 23, 2009 |
Kane and Crowthorne will solve any of your tactical depopulation problems. | ||||||
57 | 317 | Ways to X2Y | Everyone | Graham, Paul, James, Jeremy, Matt, Kathleen, Morgan, Bill, Alex, Geoff Howe, and Nathan Mosher | X Ways to Y | November 16, 2009 |
In an X2Y retrospective, we go back 6 years and add a brand new X to all those Ys. | ||||||
56 | 316 | Future | Kathleen | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Jeremy, James, Matt, Bill, Morgan, and Tim | commodoreHUSTLE | November 9, 2009 |
An epilogue to cH Season 1, to make way for shenanigans of the future. | ||||||
55 | 315 | Apartment Hunting | Paul | Andy, Graham, and Paul | Shorts | November 2, 2009 |
Finding a new apartment is difficult for everybody. | ||||||
54 | 314 | House of the Dead | Graham and everyone | Jeremy, James, Paul, Kathleen, Tally, Matt, and Morgan | Shorts | October 26, 2009 |
It's been an exciting season, but the housemates still haven't guessed who the zombie is! Let's watch! | ||||||
53 | 313 | The Secret of the Sauce | Graham | Graham, Jeremy, Paul, Kathleen, and Raymond Steacy | Shorts | October 19, 2009 |
Once again, Johnny is drawn back into the grim world of pizza. | ||||||
52 | 312 | How To LRR | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Matt, James, Jeremy, Bill, Tim, and Morgan | Shorts | October 12, 2009 |
Please be advised: Results shown may not be typical. | ||||||
51 | 311 | The Trouble with Scribbles | Tally | Tally, James, and Morgan | Shorts | October 5, 2009 |
Thankfully, other aspects of the game don't transfer to real life. Like the zombies, for example. Or the controls. | ||||||
50 | 310 | Death From Above | Chris Usher and Kathleen De Vere | Matt, Jeremy, Kathleen, Paul, and Chris Usher | Shorts | September 28, 2009 |
Action 9 News give an in-depth look into how we're all totally screwed. | ||||||
49 | 309 | Smallpox | Jeremy | Tim and Jeremy | Shorts | September 14, 2009 |
Really? We spent all meeting discussing a new name and this is the best we came up with? | ||||||
48 | 308 | Twitter Abuse | Graham | Jeremy, Ritchie Austin, Tim, James, Tally, Morgan, Raymond Steacy, Bill, Megan Palandri, and Tim Maughan | Shorts | September 14, 2009 |
If you can't tweet something nice, at least make sure you're appropriately snarky about it. | ||||||
47 | 307 | Save Our Games | Jeremy | Paul, Tally, James, Jeremy, Graham, and Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw (narrator) | Shorts | September 7, 2009 |
The 2009 holiday gaming release, seen here, is one of the rarest video games, in the world. | ||||||
46 | 306 | Lobster vs Scorpion | Jeremy | Graham, Paul, and Matt | Shorts | August 31, 2009 |
Whoever wins, it's gonna be messy. | ||||||
45 | 305 | Magicland | Graham and Tally | Paul, Graham, Jeremy, and Gibb | Shorts | August 24, 2009 |
It's times like this that children's television needs better quality control. But it's not like the children really care. | ||||||
44 | 304 | It's All In Your Head | Daniel Saunders | James, Jeremy, Paul, Tim, Brad Kirkland (AD), and Graham (AD) | Shorts | August 17, 2009 |
It's what's on the inside that makes us tick. Literally for some people. | ||||||
43 | 303 | Forget About It | Chris Francis | Graham, Paul, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | August 10, 2009 |
Sometimes, a nice clean reset is your best option. | ||||||
42 | 302 | Showdown | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Matt, James, Jeremy, Bill, Geoff Howe, Tim, Kate, Dale Friesen, Ryan Downing, Jess Bell, Tally, Daniel Anctil, Brock Haug, Kelly Clark, and Adam Savidan | commodoreHUSTLE | August 3, 2009 |
The season one finale of commodoreHUSTLE, in which the crew finally confronts their self-proclaimed nemesis. | ||||||
41 | 301 | Killer Instinct | Graham | Graham, Tally, and Paul | Shorts | July 27, 2009 |
Things like this never really work out the way you plan them. | ||||||
40 | 300 | Ways to Stay Awake | Paul, Graham, Matt, Jeremy, and Tim | Paul, Graham, Matt, Jeremy, and Tim | X Ways to Y | July 20, 2009 |
If sheer force of will fails you, perhaps these solutions can do the trick. | ||||||
39 | 299 | You're Kidding | Graham | Graham, Jeremy, Matt, and James | Shorts | July 13, 2009 |
You may not believe it, but it's true. | ||||||
38 | 298 | Judgement | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Jeremy, Matt, James, Bill, Geoff Howe, Tim, Tally, Dale Friesen, Jess Bell, Meagan Hogg, and B @ Cherry Bomb | commodoreHUSTLE | July 6, 2009 |
In Season One's second-last episode, the mystery is finally revealed. Unfortunately, it's still wrapped in an enigma, and the LRR Crew can't even SPELL enigma. | ||||||
37 | 297 | The Pub | Kathleen | Paul, Graham, Andy, and Brad Kirkland | Shorts | June 29, 2009 |
While technically accurate, this is probably not the pub you are thinking of. | ||||||
36 | 296 | Buttstallation | Graham and Kathleen | Graham, James, Paul, Tally, Jeremy, Bill, Holly Jonson, Nathan Mosher, and Matt | Shorts | June 22, 2009 |
One of history's most beloved professions has its own unique philosophy. | ||||||
35 | 295 | Economic Stimulus | Kathleen | Kathleen, Andy, and Paul | Shorts | June 15, 2009 |
When it comes to the economic downturn, it pays to support local businesses. Sometimes. | ||||||
34 | 294 | The Joystique | Matt | Matt, Justin McElroy, James, Paul, and Tim | Other | June 8, 2009 |
The direct feed of the LRRtech E3 press conference. You won't want to miss this revolutionary announcement. | ||||||
33 | 293 | Growl | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Matt, James, Jeremy, Bill, Geoff Howe, Tim, Kate, Kelly Clark, Brock Haug, and Daniel Anctil | commodoreHUSTLE | June 1, 2009 |
The Crew are easily distracted by shiny objects. Or furry objects. Let's just say they're easily distracted. | ||||||
32 | 292 | Stand-Up Guy | Tim | James, Paul, Tim, Allen Oberg, Raymond Steacy, Graham, and Bill | Shorts | May 25, 2009 |
Funny story actually, I had a roommate just like this once... | ||||||
31 | 291 | 'Skeeterpellant | Johnny_Lunchbox | Graham | Shorts | May 18, 2009 |
Protects you from mosquitoes. Actually, perhaps the word "protect" isn't strong enough... | ||||||
30 | 290 | Action 9 Election Special | Paul | Matt, Morgan, Jeremy, and Paul | Shorts | May 11, 2009 |
Confused about the upcoming BC election? Then this video won't help you in the slightest. | ||||||
29 | 289 | Investigation | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Matt, Jeremy, Paul, James, Morgan, Bill, Kathleen, Brad Kirkland, Tally, Ashley Allman, Michelle Stark, Geoff Howe, Tim, Adam Savidan, and Woody Tondorf | commodoreHUSTLE | May 4, 2009 |
The crew enlists outside help to solve some problems, as they are clearly incapable of handling any on their own. | ||||||
28 | 288 | Has This Ever Happened To You? | Graham | Paul, Jeremy, Graham, Morgan, Matt, and Ashley Allman | Shorts | April 27, 2009 |
The people who fail in commercials aren't highly-skilled actors, they're just making the best of a disability. | ||||||
27 | 287 | The Dinner Party | Graham and Kathleen | Kathleen, Mike Whitaker, Brad Kirkland, and Lindsey Burnett | Shorts | April 20, 2009 |
In cases like this, it's easy to avoid wearing the same outfit as the hostess. | ||||||
26 | 286 | Worst Day Ever | James | Graham, Morgan, Bill, Tally, Jeremy, Matt, Tim, Raymond Steacy, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | April 13, 2009 |
When you're having a rough day, escape is always an option. Just not the best option. | ||||||
25 | 285 | Fallout | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Kathleen, Matt, James, Jeremy, Paul, Morgan, Bill, Tally, Dale Friesen, Geoff Howe, and Tim | commodoreHUSTLE | March 6, 2009 |
So, Operation: Viral Outbreak kind of... broke out. And that means the LRR crew has some serious thinking to do. Sadly they're not good at "serious." | ||||||
24 | 284 | Omni-Lingual | Graham | Matt, Graham, Jeremy, Paul, Morgan, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | March 30, 2009 |
Welcome, Willkommen, Bienvenue, Bork. | ||||||
23 | 283 | Ways to Survive the Recession | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Paul, Matt, Morgan, James, and Bill | X Ways to Y | March 23, 2009 |
We put the FUN in "Collapse of the Financial Infrastructure FUNdamental to our Society." | ||||||
22 | 282 | Watchmen Watching | Paul | Paul, Morgan, James, Jeremy, Graham, Matt, and Bill | Shorts | March 16, 2009 |
Finally, the age-old question (and lazy movie-critics' lame headline joke) is answered! | ||||||
21 | 281 | Terms of Friendship | Paul and Graham | Tally, Paul, Graham, Matt, Jeremy, and Ash Vickers | Shorts | March 9, 2009 |
You got your EULA on my TOS! | ||||||
20 | 280 | Viral | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Matt, James, Jeremy, Morgan, Bill, Adam Savidan, Geoff Howe, Tim, Ben Wilkinson, and Raymond Steacy | commodoreHUSTLE | March 2, 2009 |
The crew needs to get more viral. But not in the way you are thinking. That would be gross. | ||||||
19 | 279 | Fun with Microwaves 2 | n/a | Matt and Raymond Steacy | Other | February 23, 2009 |
Raymond and his microwaves return to further the pursuit of marshmallow-based science. | ||||||
18 | 278 | Crime and Punishment | Paul | Paul, Graham, and Tim | Shorts | February 16, 2009 |
This is why no one likes the police. Always to uptight about their "laws." | ||||||
17 | 277 | ArMEGAddon | Paul and Graham | Jeremy, Graham, Tim, Paul, Matt, and Raymond Steacy | Shorts | February 9, 2009 |
It's like Armageddon, but with CAPITAL LETTERS. | ||||||
16 | 276 | Street | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Morgan, Jeremy, Bill, Kathleen, Geoff Howe, Tim, Dale Friesen, Ryan Downing, and B @ Cherry Bomb | commodoreHUSTLE | February 2, 2009 |
In order to take it back to the streets, the crew must first determine just what "the streets" is. | ||||||
15 | 275 | Poker Before Dusk | Graham | Paul, Bill, Jeremy, James, Kathleen, Mike Whitaker, Graham (narrator), and Morgan (narrator) | Shorts | January 26, 2009 |
Can Elway catch the balls short of a flip pair, or will Lamont pull out an under-crutch moonsault? | ||||||
14 | 274 | Hanging | Graham | Graham, Kathleen, Brad, and Mike Whitaker | Shorts | January 19, 2009 |
What would Miss Manners say? | ||||||
13 | 273 | Mercenary Solutions | Kathleen, Graham, Alex, and Paul | Graham, Alex, Kathleen, Paul, Morgan, Jeremy, and Raymond Steacy | Shorts | January 12, 2009 |
When you need a job done very, very thoroughly. | ||||||
12 | 272 | Fixer | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Morgan, Jeremy, Bill, Kathleen, Alex, and Wil Wheaton | commodoreHUSTLE | January 5, 2009 |
Sometimes life throws a problem at you that's too big for you to solve yourself. Sometimes it's a great idea to get a friend to help you with your problem. Sometimes. | ||||||
11 | 271 | Time is Money | Graham and Raymond Steacy | Graham, Nathan Mosher, and Alex | Shorts | December 29, 2008 |
And money is time. Or is it the other way around? It all gets very complicated. | ||||||
10 | 270 | War of Christmas | Graham | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Morgan, Jeremy, Kathleen, Tally, Nathan Mosher, and Kate | Shorts | December 22, 2008 |
Was it jolly Saint Nick who left us this sign? Or a beast of pure evil with purpose malign? | ||||||
9 | 269 | Rapidfire II - 06 | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Kathleen, Ben Wilkinson, Morgan, Jeremy, Nathan Mosher, Tim, Johnny Blakeborough, Bill, Tim, and Matthew Lettington | Rapidfire | December 15, 2008 |
Comedy so fast Mythbusters tried to prove it wasn't possible. It was Confirmed. Then they blew up a car. | ||||||
8 | 268 | Critical | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Morgan, Jeremy, Bill, Kathleen, Ben Wilkinson, Adam Savidan, Tally, Dale Friesen, Jess Bell, and Ryan Downing | commodoreHUSTLE | December 8, 2008 |
Revenge is a dish best served microwaved. | ||||||
7 | 267 | Desert Bus Killed the Internet Star | Matt | James, Jeremy, Paul, Graham, Tally, Matt, Morgan, Rosco P. Jangles IV, Bill, Kathleen, Ash Vickers, Ashley Allman, Kate, Cherisse Dye, Chris Usher, Sasha Farquhar, and others | Music | December 7, 2008 |
What a week it was. But now the busing is over, and the healing can begin. | ||||||
6 | 266 | Rapidfire II - 05 | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Kathleen, Ben, Morgan, Jeremy, Nathan Mosher, Tim, Johnny Blakeborough, Tally, Ashley Allman, Michelle Stark, Cherisse Dye, and Sasha Farquhar | Rapidfire | November 24, 2008 |
Comedy so fast it's undetectable by most scientific instrumentation. | ||||||
5 | 265 | The Lich King's New Wrath | Paul | Paul, Graham, Kathleen, Morgan, and Jeremy | Shorts | November 17, 2008 |
With modern technology advancing so fast, even He must move with the times. | ||||||
4 | 264 | Rapidfire II - 04 | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Kathleen, Ben Wilkinson, Morgan, Jeremy, Nathan Mosher, Tim, and Bill | Rapidfire | November 10, 2008 |
Comedy so fast it has trouble forming meaningful relationships. Spare a tear for this Rapidfire's comedy. | ||||||
3 | 263 | Red | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Morgan, Jeremy, and Bill | commodoreHUSTLE | November 3, 2008 |
Whether it's a ring or pants, everyone's seeing red. | ||||||
2 | 262 | I SAW What You Did There | Paul | James, Matt, Morgan, and Bill | Shorts | October 27, 2008 |
Judging from the movies, this seems like as good a strategy as any. | ||||||
1 | 261 | Laundry | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Morgan, Jeremy, Bill, Kathleen, and Marcus Hopson | commodoreHUSTLE | October 20, 2008 |
The first part of a new ongoing series about guys, girls, games, and gorillas. Except there's no gorillas. That would be weird. |
Season Five
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
52 | 260 | RapStar 64K | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Gibb, Ben Wilkinson, Morgan, Jeremy, and Tim | Shorts | October 14, 2008 |
So, you want to be a rap superstar? And live large? A big house, 5 cars, you're in charge. | ||||||
51 | 259 | Rapidfire II - 03 | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Kathleen, Ben Wilkinson, Morgan, Jeremy, Nathan Mosher, Johnny Blakeborough, and Laura Harris | Rapidfire | October 6, 2008 |
Comedy so fast it make your performance in bed look acceptable. | ||||||
50 | 258 | The LHC | Paul | Graham, Paul, James, Jeremy, and Rosa | Shorts | September 29, 2008 |
Imagine that they actually DO create a black hole and destroy the very fabric of space and time. Who's gonna look stupid then, huh? | ||||||
49 | 257 | Rapidfire II - 02 | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Kathleen, Ben Wilkinson, Morgan, Jeremy, Nathan Mosher, Tim, Bill, Johnny Blakeborough, Laura Harris, and Matthew Lettington | Rapidfire | September 22, 2008 |
Comedy so fast The Flash once said, "Even though I am technically faster than Superman, I too agree that this comedy is quicker than what you typically see." | ||||||
48 | 256 | Easy Bake Spore | LoadingReadyRun and Tim | Paul, Matt, Jeremy, Tim, and Morgan | Shorts | September 15, 2008 |
The Spore(TM) Creature Creator home kit. Fun for the whole family! | ||||||
47 | 255 | Rapidfire II - 01 | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Tim, Kathleen, Ben Wilkinson, Morgan, Jeremy, Nathan Mosher, Tim, and Bill | Rapidfire | September 8, 2008 |
Comedy so fast it was disqualified from the 2008 Olympics for possible drug use. | ||||||
46 | 254 | All The Little People | Paul | Graham, Matt, and Paul | Shorts | September 1, 2008 |
I don't know what you're talking about, why do you ask? | ||||||
45 | 253 | 'Movie' Movies Movie | Paul | Paul, Graham, Matt, Bill, James, Kathleen, Andy, and Christine Clay | Shorts | August 25, 2008 |
All your favourite 'Movie' movies in one place! Maybe now you can avoid seeing the originals. | ||||||
44 | 252 | A Little TOO Human | Jeremy | Graham, Kathleen, Matt, and James | Shorts | August 18, 2008 |
Our devious, ursine enemies are mounting an assault. They feel it's getting kind of human in here. Perhaps, a little TOO human... | ||||||
43 | 251 | Ways to Get a Ticket | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Kathleen, Ben Wilkinson, Morgan, Jeremy, Ash Vickers, Nathan Mosher, Leslie Day, and Brian Bates | X Ways to Y | August 11, 2008 |
If you get fined for "laughing at online video without due care and attention," don't come crying to us. | ||||||
42 | 250 | Skeletor's Dick | Geoff Howe and Patrick Donison | Bag Fries (Geoff Howe and Patrick Donison) and Graham | Music | August 4, 2008 |
LRR Presents a video for this epic Bag Fries song. It will always find you. | ||||||
41 | 249 | Emergency Situation | Paul | Graham, Matt, Morgan, Paul, and Tim | Shorts | July 28, 2008 |
In any emergency situation, it is important to keep your head and not be distracted from what is really important. | ||||||
40 | 248 | Geometry Wars 2: Developer Spotlight | Jeremy | Graham, Matt, James, Paul, Jeremy, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | July 21, 2008 |
Take a look behind the scenes of one of this year's most exciting Xbox Live Arcade games. | ||||||
— | — | The Superintendent's Sorrow | Jeremy | Jeremy | Music | July 20, 2008 |
Even unannounced video game mascots deserve an even break. | ||||||
39 | 247 | The Return of The Bill | Bill | Nathan Mosher, Paul, Bill, Paul, Matt, Paul, Jeremy, and Paul | Shorts | July 15, 2008 |
What did you do on your summer vacation? | ||||||
38 | 246 | Right to the Source | Graham and Paul | Graham, Matt, Paul, Jeremy, and Tally | Shorts | July 7, 2008 |
Sure ice cream is delicious, but where does it come from? | ||||||
37 | 245 | National Anathema | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Kate, Matt, Kathleen, Jeremy, Geoff Howe, and James | Other | June 30, 2008 |
Realistically, I doubt your national anthem would fair any better. | ||||||
36 | 244 | A Sacred Duty | Paul | Paul, Graham, Matt, and James | Shorts | June 23, 2008 |
True courage means doing what is necessary, no matter how much fun it might be. | ||||||
35 | 243 | Sick Day | Johnny_Lunchbox | Graham, Matt, and Tally | Shorts | June 16, 2008 |
Next time, it might help if you got a doctor's note. | ||||||
34 | 242 | MGS4 Boss Auditions | Paul | Graham, Matt, Jeremy, Laura Harris, Paul, and James | Shorts | June 9, 2008 |
Who knows what kind of innovative battles we have missed out on because of their narrow definition of a "good" boss. | ||||||
33 | 241 | Inside D&D 4th Edition | Jeremy | Graham, Matt, Jeremy, Laura Harris, Paul, and Tally | Shorts | June 2, 2008 |
The real scoop on the upcoming changes in Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. | ||||||
32 | 240 | An Interview with Uwe Boll | n/a | Graham and Uwe Boll | Other | May 26, 2008 |
Like "Interview with a Vampire" but without Brad Pitt. NOTE: This is long but very interesting. We will return to our regularly scheduled sillyness next week. | ||||||
31 | 239 | Bagel Time | Paul and Graham | Paul, Graham, and James | Shorts | May 19, 2008 |
Anytime is bagel time... or IS IT? | ||||||
30 | 238 | Son of a Bitch | LoadingReadyRun | Graham, Kathleen, Matt, and Paul | Shorts | May 12, 2008 |
All it takes is three easy steps! | ||||||
29 | 237 | First Draft Iron Man Trailer | Paul and Graham | Graham, Kathleen, Morgan, Paul, and Kate | Other | May 5, 2008 |
We have it on good authority that this version of the trailer is actually truer to the source material. | ||||||
28 | 236 | GTA IV Trailer | Graham, Paul, James, and Matt | Paul | Other | April 28, 2008 |
Life is complicated... | ||||||
27 | 235 | Uwe Boll: Decision 2008 | Jeremy | Matt, Morgan, Graham, Jamie Henigman, and Uwe Boll | Other | April 21, 2008 |
Under appreciated genius or raving lunatic. You decide. | ||||||
26 | 234 | Deeply Religious | Kathleen | Graham, Paul, Matt, and Ash Vickers | Shorts | April 14, 2008 |
Make sure to get all the information before accepting any job offer. | ||||||
25 | 233 | Customer Servicing | Graham | Graham, Matt, Ben Wilkinson, Ash Vickers, Morgan, and Kate (voice) | Shorts | April 7, 2008 |
They put the "customer service" in "@#%!-ing customer service." | ||||||
24 | 232 | Unnatural Resources | Paul | Morgan, James, Laura Harris, Paul, Matt, and Graham | Shorts | April 1, 2008 |
It's important to preserve today, so we can exploit tomorrow. | ||||||
23 | 231 | Assessment | Kathleen, Paul, and Graham | Graham, Kathleen, Morgan, Paul, and James | Shorts | March 24, 2008 |
It is important to make sure that everyone is placed in the job they are most qualified for. | ||||||
22 | 230 | Format War | Graham, Kathleen, Matt, Paul, and Brad Kirkland | Graham, Matt, Kathleen, and Paul | Shorts | March 17, 2008 |
War, huh, yeah / What is it good for / Absolutely nothing / Say it again, y'all | ||||||
21 | 229 | Fun with Microwaves | n/a | Raymond Steacy, Paul, Graham, and James | Sheer Stupidity | March 10, 2008 |
For science! | ||||||
20 | 228 | Assorted Anonymous | Ash Vickers | Jeremy, Paul, James, Ash Vickers, Morgan, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | March 3, 2008 |
Some kind of help is the kind of help we all can do without. | ||||||
19 | 227 | The Con | Graham | Graham, Matt, Kathleen, Kyliah Clarkson, Brian Milne, Tyler Krenbrink, Heather MacKinnon, Raymond Steacy, and the Attendees of Keikon 2008 | Shorts | February 25, 2008 |
Graham and Kathleen visit Kei-kon 2008 and then, quite rapidly, leave again. | ||||||
18 | 226 | Ways to Keep Warm | LoadingReadyRun | Jeremy, Paul, Morgan, Graham, Matt, Ben Wilkinson, and James | X Ways to Y | February 18, 2008 |
Being cold sucks. | ||||||
17 | 225 | Failure | Paul | Paul, James, Ashley Allman, Tally, Ash Vickers, Matt, Jeremy, Morgan, and Bill | Shorts | February 11, 2008 |
So, how do you think you did on that last test? | ||||||
16 | 224 | Bandwidth Exceeded | LoadingReadyRun | Johnny Blakeborough, Jeremy, Paul, Graham, Matt, and Ash Vickers | Shorts | February 4, 2008 |
Forget deforestation and peak oil, everyone knows that bandwidth is our world's most precious resource. | ||||||
15 | 223 | Max Effect | Graham | Paul, Graham, and Matt | Shorts | January 28, 2008 |
What happend to good, wholesome games where you just tried to kill everyone? | ||||||
— | — | Super Secret Surprise | Paul and James | Paul, Graham, James, Matt, Morgan, Jeremy, and Ash Vickers | Bonus | January 25, 2008 |
Get ready for a super secret announcement! | ||||||
14 | 222 | High Noon | Paul | James, Paul, Morgan, and Matt | Shorts | January 21, 2008 |
Just because the West isn't quite so wild anymore, doesn't mean there aren't still heroes. | ||||||
13 | 221 | The Writers Room | Andy | Andy, Paul, Graham, and Morgan | Shorts | January 11, 2008 |
What, you think He just comes up with stuff off the top of His head? | ||||||
12 | 220 | Moving Out | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, Bill, Matt, Morgan, Jeremy, Kathleen, and Alex | Shorts | January 4, 2008 |
Be careful when you enter into a lease with someone you met online, you don't want to be stuck with some weirdo. | ||||||
11 | 219 | WGA, No Way! | Paul | Paul, Graham, and Matt | Shorts | December 29, 2007 |
At least the news is unscripted. | ||||||
10 | 218 | The 2007 Christmas Special | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Graham, Matt, Jeremy, Morgan, James, and Kate | Other | December 21, 2007 |
Why is there never anything good on TV on Christmas morning? | ||||||
9 | 217 | Lock Out | LoadingReadyRun | Paul, Kathleen, Jeremy, Morgan, Graham, Matt, and James, with Jerry Holkins and Wil Wheaton | Shorts | December 14, 2007 |
The LRR crew is invited to the Child's Play Charity Dinner and, predictably, get into all sorts of trouble. | ||||||
8 | 216 | The Photoshop Wizard | Paul | Paul and James | Shorts | December 7, 2007 |
Come with me and I will show you the world of magic and wonder that you can unlock with even the simplest art project! | ||||||
7 | 215 | LRReview: Desert Bus | The LRR crew | James and Matt | Other | December 2, 2007 |
Bringing you cutting edge news and reviews about 15 year old, unreleased video games. | ||||||
6 | 214 | The Stages | Paul | Graham and Matt | Shorts | November 24, 2007 |
It's oaky, I'm sure it happens to lots of guys. | ||||||
5 | 213 | Ways to Ruin a Job Interview | The LRR crew | Graham, Matt, James, Nathan Mosher, and Alex Bowen | X Ways to Y | November 16, 2007 |
Would you hire this man? | ||||||
4 | 212 | The Truce | Graham | Paul, Graham, James, Jeremy, Morgan, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | November 9, 2007 |
For centuries, there has been a truce... | ||||||
3 | 211 | CSI: CSI | Graham | Kathleen, Jeremy, Paul, Graham, Raymond Steacy, Ash Vickers, James, Matt, and Morgan | Shorts | November 2, 2007 |
There is no case too big, no case too small. When you need help, just call. | ||||||
2 | 210 | Trick or DOOM | Paul | Graham, Paul, and Christine Clay | Shorts | October 26, 2007 |
Halloween would have never been the same. | ||||||
1 | 209 | The Ballad of the Fanboy | Jeremy | Jeremy and Tally | Music | October 19, 2007 |
Expressions of love come in many forms, but the message is always the same. |
Season Four
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
52 | 208 | The Season 4 Finale | Paul and Graham | Paul, Bruce Saunders, Graham, Stuart Stark, James, Neil Turner, Matt, Jim Wiggins, Jeremy, Chris Petter, Morgan, Gordon vanHumbeck, and Gibb | Shorts | October 12, 2007 |
This isn't quite how I remember it... | ||||||
51 | 207 | Bump in the Night | Paul | Paul; Morgan, Graham, Matt, James, Ben Wilkinson, and Jeremy (voices) | Other | October 5, 2007 |
Sometimes it's best to just not get involved. | ||||||
50 | 206 | The Divorce | Paul and Graham | Morgan, Graham, Matt, Ash Vickers, Paul, and Jeremy | Shorts | September 28, 2007 |
It always saddens me when people can't work out their differences. | ||||||
49 | 205 | Halo: The Future of Gaming | The LRR crew | Graham, Ash Vickers (narrator) | Other | September 22, 2007 |
In case you haven't been paying attention, LoadingReadyRun provides a look back at how Halo has affected our world. | ||||||
48 | 204 | Pull Yourself Together | The LRR crew | Jeremy, Graham, Ben Wilkinson, James, Paul, Nathan Mosher, Alex Bowen, and Ashley Allman | Shorts | September 14, 2007 |
Come! Join me and we will get a chocolate croissant! | ||||||
47 | 203 | The Secret Life of Toast | The LRR crew | Tally, Nathan Mosher, James, Jeremy, Paul, Morgan, Matt, Graham, Alex Bowen, and Ben Wilkinson | Other | September 7, 2007 |
What did you do today? | ||||||
46 | 202 | Bioshocked | Paul | Paul, Graham, James, Kathleen, Ashley Allman, and Tally | Shorts | August 31, 2007 |
Circa 1950 underwater utopias. They look good on paper, but then the paper gets wet. | ||||||
45 | 201 | Keytars | Kathleen and Graham | Paul, Graham, Kathleen, Matt, James, Morgan, and Jeremy | Shorts | August 24, 2007 |
Time travel. The quickest way to solve any problem. | ||||||
44 | 200 | Somebody Has to Change | Graham and Paul | Morgan, Paul, Matt, Ben Wilkinson, Jeremy, and James | Shorts | August 17, 2007 |
We're going to look like a team of dorks! | ||||||
43b | 199b | Rebellin' | Johnny_Lunchbox | Graham, Morgan, and Paul | Shorts | August 10, 2007 |
It got old months ago, but why stop when you're on a roll? | ||||||
43a | 199a | ROAD TRIP: Shaving Legs | n/a | Bill, Morgan, Ben Wilkinson, Adam Savidan, James, and Graham | On Location | August 8, 2007 |
Truly, a male bonding experience. | ||||||
42 | 198 | ROAD TRIP: Comic-Con Panel | n/a | Graham, Paul, James, Matt, and Morgan | On Location | August 2, 2007 |
Our "How to Talk Like a Pirate" Q&A panel at the CCI Film Festival. | ||||||
41 | 197 | ROAD TRIP: Energy Shotgun | n/a | James, Paul, Graham, Matt, Morgan, Bill, Ben Wilkinson, and Adam Savidan | On Location | July 26, 2007 |
Energy drinks in a confined space made for an interesting first day on the road. | ||||||
40 | 196 | Waiting for Harry | Graham and Paul | James, Paul, Graham, Ash Vickers, Matt, Jeremy, and Alex | Shorts | July 20, 2007 |
Harry Potter and the Deadly Seventh Book. [Warning: This video contains no actual spoilers.] | ||||||
39 | 195 | Ways to Keep Cool | The LRR crew | James, Paul, Graham, Morgan, Bill, Matt, and Ben Wilkinson | X Ways to Y | July 13, 2007 |
Can you guess why we made this? | ||||||
38 | 194 | It's Very Simple | Graham | Graham, Paul, Matt, Morgan, James, Bill, Jeremy, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | July 6, 2007 |
In baseball, as in life, success depends on clear communication. | ||||||
37 | 193 | A Part of Our Heritage | Paul and Graham | Paul, Graham, Bill, Matt, James, Morgan, and Ben Wilkinson | Other | June 29, 2007 |
Our 2007 Canada Day special. If you are not Canadian and you don't get it, don't worry; it's not for you. | ||||||
36 | 192 | Gorgeous | Paul and Graham | Paul, Graham, Jeremy, Matt, James, Kate, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | June 22, 2007 |
Beauty is a curse. Or wait, no...the other thing. | ||||||
35 | 191 | iPhone Alternative | Graham and Paul | Graham, Morgan (narrator) | Other | June 15, 2007 |
Don't feel like waiting until June 29th? | ||||||
34 | 190 | Morgan's Problem | Paul | Morgan, Matt, Graham, Paul, and Jeremy | Shorts | June 8, 2007 |
Please consult a medical professional right away. | ||||||
33 | 189 | Stuck in a Car with Your Friends | Graham, Kathleen, Brad Kirkland, and Adam Hancock | Kathleen, Brad Kirkland, Adam Hancock, and Dana Schwer | Shorts | June 1, 207 |
It's time to kill whoever wrote "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall." | ||||||
32 | 188 | Rejected WiiPlay Games | Graham and others | James, Jeremy, Graham, Matt, Paul, and Ben Wilkinson | Other | May 25, 2007 |
...well, there's always WiiPlay 2. | ||||||
31 | 187 | Pillow Fight '07 | n/a | Alex and a cast of hundreds | On Location | May 18, 2007 |
Make love, not war. Well, ok, if you are going to make war, as least do it with something soft. From Alex, our Toronto correspondent. | ||||||
30 | 186 | Slacking for Gold | Graham and Kathleen | Morgan, James, Paul, Graham, Matt, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | May 11, 2007 |
Do you have what it takes? | ||||||
29 | 185 | Daylight Savings | Graham and Paul | Ash Vickers, Jeremy, Paul, and Graham | Shorts | May 4, 2007 |
Well, I guess everyone's going to need a new sundial. | ||||||
28 | 184 | Eyewitness Accounts | Graham and Kathleen | Kathleen, Bill, Adam Savidan, Ben Wilkinson, Alex, Jeremy, Andy, Paul, Nathan Mosher, Morgan, Matt, James, and Graham | Shorts | April 27, 2007 |
Could we ask you some questions about the events of earlier this afternoon? | ||||||
27 | 183 | Ways to Hide a Body | Paul, Graham, Morgan, Bill, Matt, and Jeremy | Paul, Graham, Morgan, Bill, Matt, and Jeremy | X Ways to Y | April 20, 2007 |
If you need to use any of these ideas, you should probably stop surfing the Internet and start running. | ||||||
26 | 182 | Installation Anxiety | Paul and Graham | Paul, Graham, and Morgan | Shorts | April 13, 2007 |
With today's advances in Open Source software, you can install Linux anywhere you want. And some places you probably shouldn't. | ||||||
25 | 181 | The Deal | Paul and Graham | Paul, Graham, Morgan, and James | Shorts | April 6, 2007 |
Deal [v] - to have dealings or commerce, often in a secret or underhanded manner. | ||||||
24 | 180 | Xavier | Andy | Matt, Graham, and Ash Vickers | Shorts | March 30, 2007 |
Inside every gamer is a charismatic womanizer. And for some reason he's British. | ||||||
23 | 179 | Down with the Sickness | Graham | Paul, Morgan, Bill, Graham, and Nathan Mosher | Shorts | March 23, 2007 |
If you starve a fever, and feed a cold, then how do you fight this? A tuning fork? | ||||||
22 | 178 | 2007 LoadingReadyRun Awards | Paul, Graham, Morgan, Matt, and James | Paul, Graham, Morgan, Matt, and James | Other | March 16, 2007 |
Best Picture? Best Foreign Film? Those are boring categories. We deliver the awards that are really important. | ||||||
21 | 177 | Brain Transplants Made Easy | Kathleen | Paul, Gibb, Jeremy, Graham, Morgan, Kathleen, Matt, James, Bill, and Dana Schwer | Shorts | March 9, 2007 |
What? It has a very active mod community. | ||||||
20 | 176 | Kei-Kon 2007 Cosplay | n/a | Gibb, Morgan, et al. | On Location | March 2, 2007 |
While he appreciates your enthusiasm, Gibb would like it noted that excessive making out makes his fur damp. | ||||||
19 | 175 | Dinosaur | Paul | Graham, Paul, Matt, and James | Shorts | February 23, 2007 |
No sudden motions, they hunt by movement. | ||||||
18 | 174 | Ways to Abuse Shaolin | Jeremy | Jeremy, Paul, Graham, Ash Vickers, Matt, and Morgan | X Ways to Y | February 16, 2007 |
Ever wonder why Shaolin monks are always at peace? It's because they know they are better than you. | ||||||
17 | 173 | Overdue | Graham and Kathleen | Kathleen, Brad Kirkland, Paul, Mike Whitaker, and Adam Hancock | Shorts | February 9, 2007 |
Some things are worth being taken to collections for. | ||||||
16 | 172 | D-fer Madness | Johnny_Lunchbox | Graham, Stuart Stark, Margaret Graham-Bell, Paul, Jeremy, Matt, Bill, and Nathan Mosher | Shorts | February 2, 2007 |
Tell your children! | ||||||
15 | 171 | Nanaimo Road Trip 2 | n/a | Ashley Allman, Kathleen, Tally, Jeremy, James, Paul, Graham, Bill, and Matt | On Location | January 27, 2007 |
Remember last year? When we went to this festival? Yeah... it happened again. | ||||||
14 | 170 | Hyperchondria | Graham | Matt, Paul, Graham, Morgan, and Bill | Shorts | January 19, 2007 |
Matt has a burning need. | ||||||
13 | 169 | Toilet Humor | Andy | Andy, Graham, Jeremy, and Paul | Shorts | January 12, 2007 |
Because, honestly, it's always funny. | ||||||
12 | 168 | Morning After | Johnny_Lunchbox | Morgan, Kathleen, James, Jeremy, Paul, Bill, Matt, Michelle Stark, Ashley Allman, and Ben Wilkinson | Shorts | January 5, 2007 |
New Year's Resolution: Find out what happened at New Year's. | ||||||
11 | 167 | Ways to Get in Shape | Graham and Kathleen | Graham, Matt, Bill, and Kathleen | X Ways to Y | December 29, 2006 |
Stick to your resolution with these handy tips! | ||||||
— | — | It's a Wonderful Game | Graham and Paul | Graham, Paul, James, Bill, Matt, Jeremy (voice), and Morgan (voice) | Shorts | December 25, 2006 |
Our 2006 Holiday Special: A modern day update (read: nerdy) of a seasonal classic. | ||||||
10 | 166 | Three PS3s | Paul and Graham | Paul | Other | December 22, 2006 |
Doing some last minute shopping? Paul has a few ideas of what to buy that will be wholly useless to you. | ||||||
9 | 165 | Is Paul's Boyfriend Cheating? | Paul and Graham | Paul, Graham, James, Bill, Matt, and Jeremy | Girly Magazine Quiz | December 15, 2006 |
With the aid of a Girly Magazine Quiz, Graham uncovers the truth about Paul's relationship. | ||||||
8 | 164 | EZ Industries | Graham, Matt, Jeremy, Paul, Morgan, James, and Bill | Graham, Matt, Jeremy, Paul, Morgan, James, and Bill | Shorts | December 8, 2006 |
Has this ever happened to you? | ||||||
7 | 163 | Rapidfire: Episode 5 | Graham and Paul | Kate, Morgan, Graham, Johnny Blakeborough, James, Paul, and Geoffrey Tomlinson-Hood | Rapidfire | December 1, 2006 |
Comedy so fast the comedy in previous Rapidfire episodes would be hard pressed to catch it. | ||||||
6 | 162 | Hell's Kitchen | Kathleen | James, Paul, Graham, Bill, Kathleen, and Brad Kirkland | Shorts | November 24, 2006 |
This is a foe no one mortal should have to face by himself. | ||||||
5 | 161 | Gibbstation 3 | n/a | Gibb | On Location | November 17, 2006 |
It's the night before PS3 launch day, and Gibb goes on location with the brave souls waiting in line for their chance at glory... or maybe a quick buck. | ||||||
4 | 160 | Sound Wars | Graham, with Alison, Lisa, and Lindsay from Art 305 | Andy and Graham | Other | November 10, 2006 |
When mimes are off duty things can get ugly. | ||||||
3 | 159 | Fun With Condoms | Unknown | Alex, James, Bill, Kathleen, Morgan, Paul, Graham, and Adam Hancock | Sheer Stupidity | November 3, 2006 |
What's your excuse for using up 80 condoms in one night? | ||||||
2 | 158 | ZOMGies!!!1 | Graham and Paul | Paul, Graham, James, Bill, and Morgan | Other | October 27, 2006 |
It came from the Internet!! | ||||||
1 | 157 | Those Games We Played | Jeremy | Graham, Morgan, Jeremy, Tally, and Adam Savidan | Music | October 20, 2006 |
64K gets real to raise awareness of a plight that befell their former fourth member. |
Season Three
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
52 | 156 | The LoadingReadyRumble | Graham and Paul | Graham, Paul, Jeremy, Morgan, Gibb, Matt, Bill, and James | Other | October 13, 2006 |
For our Season 3 finale we present an epic showdown with more fan-service than we're probably allowed. [Note: In this case, "epic" means "12 minutes." Settle in.] | ||||||
51 | 155 | Vest | Paul and Graham | Graham | Shorts (Story Guy) | October 6, 2006 |
The origins of Story Guy's signature vest. | ||||||
50 | 154 | The Worst Homosexual | Johnny_Lunchbox | Paul, Graham, Morgan, and James | Shorts | September 29, 2006 |
Paul discovers some surprising (and actually not that surprising) things about Morgan. | ||||||
49 | 153 | Job Hunt | Graham and Kathleen | Kathleen, Mike Whitaker, and Adam Hancock | Shorts | September 22, 2006 |
Kathleen discovers that when looking for a job, it is important to play your strengths. | ||||||
48 | 152 | How to Talk like a Pirate | Graham and Paul | Graham, Morgan, Jeremy, and Matt | Other | September 15, 2006 |
In honour of Talk Like a Pirate Day, we present this informational video for the less nautically inclined among us. After all, you don't want to look stupid. | ||||||
47 | 151 | Rapidfire: Episode 4 | Graham and Paul | Matt, Morgan, Lissette Arevalo, Graham, Johnny Blakeborough, James, and Paul | Rapidfire | September 8, 2006 |
Comedy so fast if you looked up comedy in the dictionary it would be under G. Because G is faster than F. | ||||||
46 | 150 | Vancouver Zombie Walk 2006 | n/a | Kathleen and Brad Kirkland | On Location | September 1, 2006 |
While the Crew is busy with LoadingReadyLIVE, Kathleen and the LRR Emergency Backup Unit step in to cover the Vancouver Zombie Walk 2006. | ||||||
45 | 149 | AWESOME:We ... Shot This! | n/a | Graham, Jeremy, Morgan, and Paul | On Location | August 25, 2006 |
64K's first live performance at the 2006 Victoria Fringe Festival preview night. | ||||||
44 | 148 | Small Time 2 | Graham, Morgan, and Bill | Bill, Morgan, Matt, and Graham (uncredited) | Shorts | August 18, 2006 |
It's important to always follow your plans, no matter where they go. | ||||||
43 | 147 | Rejected 'Get a Mac' Ads | Graham and Paul | Matt, Jeremy, Paul, Bill, and James | Other | August 11, 2006 |
Secret, never before seen tests for Apple's "Get a Mac" ads, before they got John Hodgman and that guy from Dodgeball. | ||||||
42 | 146 | Rapidfire: Episode 3 | Graham and Paul | Morgan, Jeremy, Graham, Johnny Blakeborough, James, and Paul | Rapidfire | August 4, 2006 |
Comedy so fast it violates several federal and provincial traffic laws. | ||||||
41 | 145 | Snakes on the Town | n/a | Graham, Paul, Morgan, Ben Wilkinson, Bill, James, and Ashley Allman | Sheer Stupidity | July 30, 2006 |
So few snakes, so many things without snakes on them. | ||||||
40 | 144 | Serious Cravings | Graham and Kathleen | Morgan, Graham, James, Paul, and Bill | Shorts | July 21, 2006 |
Blood is to Vampire as Pig is to ? | ||||||
39 | 143 | Small Time | Graham, Morgan, and Bill | Bill, Morgan, Graham, Jason Tudor, and Paul | Shorts | July 14, 2006 |
Some days, crime pays better than others. | ||||||
38 | 142 | Rapidfire: Episode 2 | Graham and Paul | Paul, Bill, Morgan, James, Graham, Johnny Blakeborough, and Geoffrey Tomlinson-Hood | Rapidfire | July 7, 2006 |
Comedy so fast Superman is like, "Whoa, that's pretty fast!" | ||||||
37 | 141 | Canadaman | Graham, Paul, Morgan, and Bill | Bill, Paul, Graham, and Morgan | Music | June 30, 2006 |
The 2006 LRR Canada Day Special, once again featuring The Arrogant Worms. | ||||||
36 | 140 | Rapidfire: Episode 1 | Graham and Paul | Graham, Paul, Morgan, Matt, Johnny Blakeborough, Geoffrey Tomlinson-Hood, James, and Aidan Henry | Rapidfire | June 23, 2006 |
Comedy so fast it doesn't have to make sense. | ||||||
35 | 139 | Life is Like a Movie | Graham and Paul | Paul and Morgan | Shorts | June 16, 2006 |
A metaphor is like a simile, and so is this video. | ||||||
34 | 138 | Now in HD! | Paul and Graham | Paul, Graham, Morgan, Matt, and Kate | Other | June 9, 2006 |
We welcome a new member of the LRR family. | ||||||
33 | 137 | OMG! Bears! | Graham and Kathleen | Kathleen, Graham, and Paul | Shorts | June 2, 2006 |
Kathleen just has this completely rational fear... | ||||||
32 | 136 | Nuntastic | Kathleen and Graham | Graham, Kathleen, and Lindsay Burnett | Shorts | May 26, 2006 |
Reason #286 why the dot-com boom failed. | ||||||
31 | 135 | CCYD | Graham and Paul | Graham, Paul, James, Kate, and Matt | Shorts | May 19, 2006 |
Finally a Summer Camp that leaves a lasting impression. | ||||||
30 | 134 | Underpantaloons | Graham | Morgan, Graham, Paul, and Bill | Shorts | May 12, 2006 |
Idle hands and a lack of pants are the devil's playground. | ||||||
29 | 133 | Wyy | Graham and Paul | Graham, Morgan, Paul, James, Bill, Lissette Arevalo, and Margaret Graham-Bell (voice) | Shorts | May 5, 2006 |
We were wondering, why the Wii? | ||||||
28 | 132 | Hagiography Today | Graham and Paul | Graham, Paul, Morgan, and Lissette Arevalo | Shorts | April 28, 2006 |
Hag ee o gra fee: From the late Latin usage, that which is written about the saints. | ||||||
27 | 131 | Holiday | Paul, Graham, and Johnny_Lunchbox | Graham | Shorts (Story Guy) | April 21, 2006 |
When going on a trip, it's important to take only the essentials. | ||||||
26 | 130 | Bill's Revenge | n/a | Bill, Morgan, Adam Savidan, James, and Paul | Sheer Stupidity | April 14, 2006 |
In the dramatic finale of our Bill Eats Gross Things trilogy, the hunders become the hunted. | ||||||
25 | 129 | Shake Your Hands | n/a | n/a | Music | April 7, 2006 |
As is tradition here at LRR, we mark the end of semester by showing off something Graham didd in Video Art. | ||||||
24 | 128 | Uwe Boll: An Apology | Paul | Paul, Matt, Jeremy, and Graham | Other | March 31, 2006 |
We were recently contacted by Mr. Boll's lawyers regarding our video, PSA: Uwe Boll. We hope that this new video will address their concerns and clarify our position on this controversial directory. Fooled you! | ||||||
23 | 127 | Snakes on the Brain | Graham, Kathleen, and Paul | Graham, Paul, Morgan, and Lissette Arevalo | Shorts | March 24, 2006 |
Taking the sure-fire hit of the summer, Snakes on a Plane, to its logical conclusion. | ||||||
22 | 126 | Ways to Get Yourself Killed in a Horror Movie | Unknown | Lissette Arevalo, Graham, Morgan, Bill, and Kathleen | X Ways to Y | March 17, 2006 |
To be safe, you should probably just avoid horror movies all together. | ||||||
21 | 125 | 2006 LoadingReadyRun Awards | Unknown | Paul, Graham, Morgan, and Bill | Other | March 10, 2006 |
If you're bored with the predictable monotony of the Academy Awards, we've got your back. Your brokeback. | ||||||
20 | 124 | Kei-Kon 2006 Cosplay | n/a | Gibb and the Cosplayers at Kei-Kon 2006 | On Location | March 3, 2006 |
Gibb gets let out of the closet for Kei-Kon 2006. The results are mixed. | ||||||
19 | 123 | The Bet | Graham | Graham, Morgan, Paul, and Kathleen | Shorts | February 24, 2006 |
What a strange game, the only way to win is not to play at all. At least not when Paul's around. | ||||||
18 | 122 | The Canadian Dental Approval Association | Graham and Paul | Graham, Paul, Morgan, Jessica Miller, James, Lissette Arevalo, and Bill | Shorts | February 17, 2006 |
Because real dentists have better things to do. | ||||||
17 | 121 | Is this a Date? | Lissette Arevalo, Jessica Miller, Jeremy, Paul, Graham, James, Morgan, and Bill | Lissette Arevalo, Jessica Miller, Jeremy, Paul, Graham, James, Morgan, Bill, Conor Pommerville, and Gibb | Shorts | February 10, 2006 |
There are many emotional landmines around Valentine's Day. This video will not help with any of them. | ||||||
16 | 120 | Laundry | Graham and Paul | Graham | Shorts (Story Guy) | February 3, 2006 |
He's back. And his laundry needs folding. | ||||||
15 | 119 | Nanaimo Road Trip | n/a | Lissette Arevalo, Jeremy, Paul, Graham, Kate, James, Morgan, Bill, and Matt | On Location | January 27, 2006 |
So we went to this film festival... and we had a couple cameras... so... yeah. | ||||||
14 | 118 | Black Box | Graham and Paul | Paul, Graham, Morgan (voice), Bill (voice), Lissette Arevalo (voice), and Kathleen (voice) | Shorts | January 20, 2006 |
Think of all the frivolous lawsuits you could avoid (or support) with one of these. | ||||||
13 | 117 | Pachinima | Paul and Graham | Paul and Graham (voice) | Machinima | January 13, 2006 |
Taking machinima back to its roots. - Brought to you by Pac-Man | ||||||
12 | 116 | Ways to Get Rid of Your Christmas Tree | Unknown | Lissette Arevalo, Morgan, Bill, and Graham | X Ways to Y | January 6, 2006 |
'Cause it's not going to just disappear on its own. | ||||||
11 | 115 | Street Value | Graham and Paul | Graham, Kathleen, Morgan, and Andy | Shorts | December 30, 2005 |
Turns our, beggars can be choosers. If they happen to be surprisingly clever beggars that is. | ||||||
10 | 114 | Jangles and Jones Save Christmas | Graham and Paul | Graham, Jeremy, Morgan, Patrick Donison, and Bill | Shorts | December 23, 2005 |
Jangles and Jones join an all-star cast including 64K and members of Evil Inc. in this year's Christmas Special. | ||||||
9 | 113 | The C Word | Graham and Paul | Morgan, Bill, Paul, and Graham | Shorts | December 16, 2005 |
You had better watch what you say this time of year, you never know who is listening. | ||||||
8 | 112 | Perversion for Profit | n/a | n/a | Other | December 9, 2005 |
When archival high school film reels collide. | ||||||
7 | 111 | Rare Book | Graham and Paul | Graham | Shorts (Story Guy) | December 2, 2005 |
Our grilled cheese eating friend returns to talke about his most recent literary acquisition. | ||||||
6 | 110 | Launch Day | Graham | Graham, Morgan, and Paul | Shorts | November 25, 2005 |
It's XBox 360 launch day. Do you know where your wallet is? | ||||||
5 | 109 | The Rant - Comediennes | Kathleen and Graham | Kathleen and Graham | Other | November 18, 2005 |
Kathleen delivers a humourous presentation on why women aren't funny. | ||||||
4 | 108 | Ways to Relieve a Hangover | Unknown | Morgan, Bill, Geoff Howe, and Paul | X Ways to Y | November 11, 2005 |
Everyone has their own "cure," here are a few of ours. | ||||||
3 | 107 | Christmas Caroling on Halloween | Unknown | Morgan, Bill, Graham, Paul, James, and Ben Wilkinson | Sheer Stupidity | November 4, 2005 |
The LRR crew inject some much needed Christmas cheer into an otherwise excessively unjolly holiday. | ||||||
2 | 106 | Halloween Safety | Graham and Paul | Paul and Graham (voice) | Shorts | October 28, 2005 |
LRR gives some tips on how to stay safe this Halloween. Or DO we?? | ||||||
1 | 105 | Pimp My Chair | Graham and Morgan | Morgan, James, Graham, Paul, Bill, Ben Wilkinson, Geoffrey Tomlinson-Hood, Kate, and Stuart Stark | Shorts | October 21, 2005 |
KillahByte and the North West Customs crew do to office furniture what Pimp My Ride does for cars. |
Season Two
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
52 | 104 | 1337 | Jeremy and Graham | Graham, Jeremy, and Morgan | Music | October 14, 2005 |
64K gives a condensed history of video games in an effort to show that they are, in fact, 1337. | ||||||
51 | 103 | Celestial Sea: Episode 7 | Paul and Graham | Morgan, Graham, Ash Vickers, Kathleen, and Derek Pacheco | Machinima | October 7, 2005 |
Myke and Lance fail at meeting ladies - Brought to you by Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. | ||||||
50 | 102 | The Danger of Cigarettes | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Morgan, Bill, and Johnny_Lunchbox | Graham, Bill, and Paul (voice) | Shorts | September 30, 2005 |
Cigarettes and combine harvestes don't mix. | ||||||
49 | 101 | The Rant - Scenesters and Snobbery | Graham | Graham | Other | September 23, 2005 |
Graham goes off and rants at indie music snobs. | ||||||
48 | 100 | Super Mystery Can Showdown | n/a | Morgan, Bill, James, Adam Savidan, Ben Wilkinson, Ash Vickers, Kate, and Graham | Sheer Stupidity | September 16, 2005 |
Our most horrifying display of stupidity yet, Bill goes the distance for eating gross things. | ||||||
47 | 99 | Johnny the Intern | Johnny_Lunchbox | William Hull, Graham, Kathleen, Paul, Bill, and Morgan | Shorts | September 9, 2005 |
The writer becomes the lackey. | ||||||
46 | 98 | Grilled Cheese | Graham and Paul | Graham | Shorts (Story Guy) | September 2, 2005 |
So I had to go to the store to get some cheese... | ||||||
45 | 97 | Out of Sync | Unknown | Graham, Paul, and Morgan (voice) | Shorts | August 26, 2005 |
Graham finds himself out of sync. | ||||||
44 | 96 | PSA: Uwe Boll | Graham | Graham and Matt | Other | August 19, 2005 |
He must be stopped before he films again. | ||||||
43 | 95 | Superman and the Concentrated Light Ray | Graham and Paul | Paul, Graham, and Kate | Other | August 12, 2005 |
A re-edit of an episode of the old Max Fletcher Superman cartoon. | ||||||
42 | 94 | Offensisensitivity | Kathleen and Graham | Graham, Kathleen, and Nikki the cat | Shorts | August 5, 2005 |
A travelling salesman encounters a terrible affliction. | ||||||
41 | 93 | One Minute Shorts | Graham, Paul, and Jeremy | Graham, Paul, and Jeremy | Other | July 29, 2005 |
Four odd shorts, each a minute or less in length. | ||||||
— | — | ComicCon 2005 | n/a | San Diego Comic Con 2005 | Plugs! | July 29, 2005 |
A selection of awesome people from ComicCon 2005. Part of a shared weekly update. | ||||||
40 | 92 | The Importance of Good Henchmen | Graham and Paul | Graham and Paul | Machinima | July 22, 2005 |
Competent henchmen are the foundation of any organization - Brought to you by Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Part of a shared weekly update. | ||||||
39 | 91 | Nerd Fight | Graham and Kathleen | Graham and Jeremy | Shorts | July 15, 2005 |
Things get out of hand when two nitpickers debate the finer points of Star Wars politics. | ||||||
38 | 90 | Edited for TV | Unknown | Bill, Morgan, Ash Vickers, Kate, and Patrick Donison | Other | July 8, 2005 |
Why television is an inappropriate medium for feature films. | ||||||
37 | 89 | I am not American | The Arrogant Worms | Paul and Graham | Music | July 1, 2005 |
For Canada Day, a music video for a patriotic song by The Arrogant Worms. | ||||||
36 | 88 | Sleep Dep Experiment | n/a | Jeremy, Graham, Bill, James, Derek Pacheco, and Morgan | Sheer Stupidity | June 24, 2005 |
Bill, Morgan, Graham, James and Derek try to stay awake for 48 hours. | ||||||
35 | 87 | Guide to Lesser Gods of Innocuous Household Things | Graham and Kathleen | Graham, Paul, and Kate | LRLabs | June 17, 2005 |
Zeus and Apollo are at one end of the scale, these guys are at the other. | ||||||
34 | 86 | Celestial Sea: Episode 6 | Graham and Paul | Graham, Morgan, and Ash Vickers | Machinima | June 10, 2005 |
Myke and Lance in prison - Brought to you by Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. | ||||||
33 | 85 | Victoria Air Guitar 2005 | n/a | Ash Vickers, Jeremy, and Patrick Donision | On Location | June 3, 2005 |
Victoria's first annual Air Guitar Championship. | ||||||
32 | 84 | How to End a Relationship | Kathleen and Graham | Kathleen, Josh Hammerstedt, Dana Schwer, and Graham | LRLabs | May 27, 2005 |
A public service for those unlucky in love. | ||||||
31 | 83 | Maniac Chase Commentary | Unknown | Graham and Paul | Other | May 20, 2005 |
A primitive proto-commentary track. | ||||||
30b | 82b | Vote Carefully | Graham and Paul | Graham | Other | May 13, 2005 |
A public service announcement on some parties NOT to vote for on May 17th. Part of a shared weekly update. | ||||||
30a | 82a | Anchovies | Unknown | Graham | Other | May 13, 2005 |
Our winning entry for the Rock the Vote BC video contest. Part of a shared weekly update. | ||||||
29 | 81 | 30 Minutes or Less | Unknown | Graham, Jeremy, Paul, and Ash Vickers | Shorts | May 6, 2005 |
Johnny is a gritty, hard-boiled man of action whose luck has run out. | ||||||
28 | 80 | The James Masterson School for Dictatorial Improvement | Jeremy, Morgan, Kathleen, Graham, and Paul | Graham, Jeremy, Morgan, Paul, and Cliff Harman | Shorts | April 29, 2005 |
Learn how to become a better supreme ruler with JMSDI. | ||||||
27 | 79 | Slow News Day | Graham and Paul | Geoffrey Tomlinson-Hood, Chris Nohr, Morgan, Graham, and Paul | Shorts | April 22, 2005 |
The news goes on, irrespective of whether there really is any news or not. | ||||||
26 | 78 | The Professor's Funhouse | Graham | Gibb and friends | Shorts | April 15, 2005 |
A look back at the show that shaped children's television for two decades. | ||||||
25 | 77 | Prepared Interview | Unknown | Graham, Paul, and Geoffrey Tomlinson-Hood | Shorts | April 8, 2005 |
It pays to come prepared. | ||||||
24 | 76 | Yummies Ads | Unknown | Paul, Gibb, Graham, Morgan, and Jeremy | LRLabs | April 1, 2005 |
Here's a series of TV spots for Yummies Snack Cakes. | ||||||
23 | 75 | Celestial Sea: Episode 5 | Graham and Paul | Graham, Morgan, Kathleen, Paul, Jeremy, Kelly Clark, and Peter D'Agati | Machinima | March 25, 2005 |
Myke and co. briefly get airborne - Brought to you by Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. | ||||||
22 | 74 | Suspend your Disbelief | Andy and Graham | Andy, Patrick Donison, Rachelle LeBlanc, Jeremy, Duncan Watt, Russ Reilander, Paul, Azin Seraj, and Rocky Mann | Music | March 18, 2005 |
A musical number about musicals. | ||||||
21 | 73 | The Procrastinator | Paul and Graham | Graham and Paul | LRR3K | March 11, 2005 |
A cautionary tale showing the dangers of procrastination. | ||||||
20 | 72 | Split Screen Scripting | Paul | Graham and Paul | Short | March 4, 2005 |
Graham and Paul act out a story in dire need of a rewrite. | ||||||
— | — | Rick Mercer | n/a | Rick Mercer | Plugs! / Bonus | March 18, 2005 |
A message from one of our favourite Canadian comedians. | ||||||
19 | 71 | How to Impress Women | Johnny_Lunchbox and Kathleen | Paul, Gibb, Graham, Kathleen, Carolynne Burholder, and Travis Nielsen | LRLabs | February 25, 2005 |
A public service for those unlucky in love. | ||||||
18 | 70 | Celestial Sea: Episode 4 | Graham and Paul | Graham, Travis Neilsen, Morgan, and Kathleen | Machinima | February 19, 2005 |
Myke investigates a strange energy reading - Brought to you by Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. | ||||||
17 | 69 | Mental Battle | Paul | Paul, Graham, James, and Ashley Allman | Shorts | February 12, 2005 |
To save the universe, Paul must first conquer his inner demons. | ||||||
16 | 68 | The Bright Young Newcomer | Graham and Paul | Graham and Paul | LRR3K | February 4, 2005 |
An office supervisor deals with the problems of hiring women. | ||||||
15 | 67 | At Least You're Not Dead | Andy | Andy | Music | January 28, 2005 |
Another original composition by our good friend Andy. | ||||||
14 | 66 | Extreme Battle Challenge | n/a | Alex, Rebecca Springett, David Cha, and "Mr. Satan" | Sheer Stupidity | January 21, 2005 |
Rock Paper Scissors TO THE EXTREME! | ||||||
13 | 65 | Spam Theatre 2 | Spam e-mail | Duncan Hauser, Paul, and Graham | Shorts | January 14, 2005 |
More ridiculous junk e-mails, acted out for your amusement. | ||||||
12 | 64 | Celestial Sea: Episode 3 | Graham and Paul | Graham and Kate | Machinima | January 7, 2005 |
Myke crash-lands on a primitive alien world - Brought to you by Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. | ||||||
11 | 63 | Digital Love | Kathleen and Graham | Graham and Kathleen | Shorts | December 31, 2004 |
Graham must make the hard choice between his girlfriend and his computer. | ||||||
10 | 62 | 2004 Holiday Special | Unknown | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Andrew, James, Patrick, Kate, Derek, Bill, Gareth, Mike Shumlich, Matt, and Gibb | Music | December 24, 2004 |
The twelve geeky days of Christmas, as sung by the LRR crew. | ||||||
9 | 61 | Last Minute | Paul and Graham | Graham, Paul, James, and Ashley Allman | Shorts | December 17, 2004 |
The dangers of last minute shopping in its many forms. | ||||||
8 | 60 | Celestial Sea: Episode 2 | Graham and Paul | Graham, Paul, Kathleen, Patrick Donison, Kate, Ben Wilkinson, and Jason Tudor | Machinima | December 10, 2004 |
Myke and Amy are rescued - Brought to you by Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. | ||||||
7c | 59c | Schrodinger's Fridge | Steve Notley | Graham and Paul | Shorts | December 3, 2004 |
Bob encounters his nemesis: quantum physics. Part of a shared weekly update. | ||||||
7b | 59b | Sales Success a la Meteor | Steve Notley | Graham and Paul | Shorts | December 3, 2004 |
Bob has trouble with the basic concept of truth in advertising. Part of a shared weekly update. | ||||||
7a | 59a | The Puppet Master | Steve Notley | Graham and Paul | Shorts | December 3, 2004 |
Bob shares his inner feelings. Part of a shared weekly update. | ||||||
6 | 58 | The Aftermath | Johnny_Lunchbox | Graham, Paul, Geoff Howe, and Connor Pommerville | Shorts | November 26, 2004 |
Paul comes back to life after the incident in "pwn'd." | ||||||
5 | 57 | Celestial Sea: Episode 1 | Graham and Paul | Graham, Kathleen, Kate, and Kelly Clark | Machinima | November 19, 2005 |
Myke's and Amy's vacation is cut short when the resort planet they are on is attacked - Brought to you by Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. | ||||||
4 | 56 | pwn'd | Graham | Graham, Paul, Morgan, and Conor Pommerville | Shorts | November 12, 2004 |
Our parody of MTV's punk'd with Morgan as Ashton Kutcher. | ||||||
3 | 55 | The Process | Johnny_Lunchbox | Graham, Paul, Morgan, and Bill | Shorts | November 5, 2004 |
The real process behind the LRR videos. | ||||||
2 | 54 | Field Guide to Homo Mortuus | Graham and Paul | Graham | LRLabs | October 29, 2004 |
The LRR 2004 Halloween Special, an educational video on zombies. | ||||||
1 | 53 | The LoadingReadyRap | Jeremy | Graham, Jeremy, and Morgan | Music | October 22, 2004 |
We present the world premier of the new single from rap group 64k. |
Season One
#top |
# in season | # in series | Title | Written by | Appearing | Video category | Date |
52 | 52 | The LRR Year One Retrospective | Unknown | Paul and Graham | Other | October 15, 2004 |
In which Graham and Paul look back at some of the defining videos in LRR history. | ||||||
51 | 51 | Jangles and Jones | Unknown | Graham, Morgan, Bill, and Matt | Other | October 8, 2004 |
Needing a reason to show off their cool costumes, Graham, Morgan and Bill engage in a good old fashioned chase. | ||||||
50 | 50 | Door to Door | Kathleen, Graham, and Paul | Graham, Paul, and Morgan | Shorts | October 1, 2004 |
Door to door religion, it's not just for Jehovah's witnesses anymore! | ||||||
49 | 49 | Moore's Meadow Crop Circle | n/a | Graham, Kathleen, Chris, Eric, and Becky | On Location | September 24, 2004 |
A hunt for the paranormal in Prince George. | ||||||
48 | 48 | Spam Theatre | Spam e-mail | Paul and Graham | Shorts | September 17, 2004 |
Yes, Paul spam is getting goofier. | ||||||
47 | 47 | Sandwich of Fire | n/a | Ash Vickers, Morgan, James, Bill, Adam Savidan, and Allen Oberg | Sheer Stupidity | September 10, 2004 |
How hot is too hot for a sandwich? | ||||||
46 | 46 | Who Watches Movies? | Paul | Paul | Shorts | September 3, 2004 |
A parody/response to this anti-piracy ad that you may have seen in theatres. | ||||||
— | — | November 13, 2003 | n/a | Downtown Victoria | Bonus | August 27, 2004 |
A day in the life of downtown Victoria. | ||||||
45 | 45 | Steve Notley and his Process | n/a | Steve Notley | On Location | August 27, 2004 |
Steve Notley, creator of Bob the Angry Flower, talks about his creative process and plugs LoadingReadyRun. | ||||||
44 | 44 | Drive Thru | n/a | Kathleen | Sheer Stupidity | August 20, 2004 |
Kathleen causes havoc at the Prince George A&W. | ||||||
43 | 43 | 4 Guys And a Box of Hats | Unknown | Graham, Andy, Chris Nohr, and Paul | Other | August 13, 2004 |
What happens when you leave four guys with a bunch of random stuff. | ||||||
42 | 42 | The Decision-Makers | Graham and Paul | Graham and Paul | Machinima | August 6, 2004 |
Thanks to Hitman 2, we find out what really goes on at high-level summits. | ||||||
41 | 41 | The Mystery Can | n/a | Graham, Dave, Eric, Kathleen, and Chris | Sheer Stupidity | July 23, 2004 |
We have no idea what it is, and you get to eat it. | ||||||
40 | 40 | Joe's Used Cars | Graham and Paul | Graham and Chris Nohr | Shorts | July 16, 2004 |
Graham is sold a rather dodgy car. | ||||||
39 | 39 | Bay Centre Takeover | n/a | Morgan, Bill, James, Derek Pacheco, Graham, and Paul | Sheer Stupidity | July 9, 2004 |
LoadingReadyRun invades a shopping centre in downtown Victoria to play video games. | ||||||
38 | 38 | A Tribute to Canada | Unknown | Graham and Paul | Other | July 2, 2004 |
As a tribute to Canada, LoadingReadyRun notes some non-snow-related Canadian inventions. | ||||||
37 | 37 | Periodic Singing | Tom Lehrer | Graham and Andy | Music | June 25, 2004 |
There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium, / And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium, ... | ||||||
36 | 36 | Evil Corp.: New Recruits | Paul and Graham | Graham, Paul, Morgan, Matt, and Chris Nohr | Shorts | June 18, 2004 |
The new recruits are indoctrinated into Evil Corp. | ||||||
35 | 35 | Whose Line is it Anyway? | n/a | Whose Line is it Anyway? | Plugs! | June 11, 2004 |
Whose Line is it Anyway? plugs LoadingReadyRun. | ||||||
34 | 34 | Who's Your Rockstar Soulmate? | n/a | Paul, Derek Pacheco, Bill, and Morgan | Girly Magazine Quiz | June 4, 2004 |
Who's Derek's, Bill's, and Morgan's rockstar soulmate? | ||||||
33 | 33 | Mosh Pit Etiquette | Unknown | Graham, Bill, Gibb, Paul, James, Derek Pacheco, Morgan, and Jeff D | LRLabs | May 28, 2004 |
LoadingReadyLabs present: the fundamentals of moshing. | ||||||
32 | 32 | The Dungeoneers: Episode 2 | Unknown | Graham, Paul, and Bill | Machinima | May 21, 2004 |
Continuing LoadingReadyRun's first Machinima Theatre. | ||||||
31 | 31 | 42 | Unknown | Graham, Paul, Patrick Donison, Bill, Morgan, Jason Turor, and Kayt Mills | Shorts | May 14, 2004 |
The following takes place between 3:00 a.m. and 3:03 a.m. | ||||||
30 | 30 | Ways to Save the Day | Unknown | Bill, Ash Vickers, Conor Pommerville, James, Jeremy, Kayt Mills, and Graham | X Ways to Y | May 7, 2004 |
Sometimes someone is there to save your day. | ||||||
29 | 29 | What's Your Cup Of Joe? | n/a | Paul, Graham, Derek Pacheco, Bill, and Morgan | Girly Magazine Quiz | April 23, 2004 |
What type of coffee are you? | ||||||
28 | 28 | The Dungeoneers: Episode 1 | Unknown | Graham, Paul, and Adam Savidan | Machinima | April 16, 2004 |
LoadingReadyRun's first Machinima Theatre. | ||||||
27 | 27 | Mobile Homes | n/a | Graham and Paul | On Location | April 9, 2004 |
Houses that move on wheels. | ||||||
26 | 26 | Evil Corp. | Unknown | Paul, Graham, and Bill | Shorts | April 2, 2004 |
Evil Corp: coming soon. | ||||||
25 | 25 | Drink | n/a | Morgan, Graham, Kayt Mills, Bill, and Patrick Donison | Sheer Stupidity | March 26, 2004 |
Just what will Bill not drink? | ||||||
24 | 24 | Kei-Kon 2: Cosplay | n/a | Gibb, Matt, and others | On Location | March 19, 2004 |
The cosplay at Kei-Kon, the University of Victoria anime convention. | ||||||
23 | 23 | Arrogant Worms | n/a | The Arrogant Worms | On Location | March 12, 2004 |
The Arrogant Worms plug LoadingReadyRun. | ||||||
22 | 22 | The Mirror | Paul and Graham | Graham and Paul | Shorts | March 5, 2004 |
Graham wakes up on the wrong side of the universe. | ||||||
21 | 21 | Andy: Esq. | Andy | Andy | Other | February 27, 2004 |
Introducing Andy, multi-talented wonderboy. | ||||||
20 | 20 | Gob | n/a | Gob | On Location | February 20, 2004 |
The Canadian punk band Gob at Legends nightclub. | ||||||
19 | 19 | Ways to Ruin a First Date | Unknown | Geoff Howe, Kayt Mills, and Bill | X Ways to Y | February 13, 2004 |
In honour of Valentine's Day. | ||||||
18 | 18 | Ways to End a Movie | Unknown | Graham, Morgan, Leigh-Anne Fish, and Halina Wlocka | X Ways to Y | February 6, 2004 |
How many have you seen before? | ||||||
17 | 17 | Quantum Documentary | Graham and Paul | Paul and Graham | Shorts | January 30, 2004 |
An experiment in filmmaking: a documentary about itself. | ||||||
16 | 16 | Hair | n/a | Gareth Dickson, Graham, Morgan, Jessica Miller, Paul, James, and others | Sheer Stupidity | January 23, 2004 |
Gareth donates the remaking of hair to humour. | ||||||
15 | 15 | Upgrade Y/N? | Unknown | Morgan, Graham, and Paul | Shorts | January 16, 2004 |
To upgrade, or not to upgrade; that is the question. | ||||||
14 | 14 | Ways to Make Someone Leave a Room | Unknown | Graham, Bill, Morgan, and Alex | X Ways to Y | January 2, 2004 |
Ways to make people leave the room at any cost. | ||||||
13 | 13 | 2003 Holiday Special | Graham and Paul | Graham, Paul, Morgan, Kate, Mike Shumlich, and Duncan Hauser | Other | December 26, 2003 |
A tribute to the lesser known holidays in December. | ||||||
12 | 12 | Stalking | n/a | Morgan, Graham, and James | Sheer Stupidity | December 12, 2003 |
Graham and Morgan stalk James. | ||||||
11 | 11 | Ways to Drink Coke | Unknown | Graham, James, Bill, Ben Wilkinson, Paul, and Heather | X Ways to Y | December 5, 2003 |
Some of the many ways to drink Coke. | ||||||
10 | 10 | What do guys like about Paul? | n/a | Graham and Paul | Girly Magazine Quiz | November 28, 2003 |
Guys brag about Paul and think of him as one of their own. | ||||||
9 | 9 | Ways to Eat Fries | Unknown | James, Morgan, Ben Wilkinson, Adam Savidan, and Graham | X Ways to Y | November 21, 2003 |
So many fries, so many ways. | ||||||
8 | 8 | The Alternative to Telemarketers | Unknown | James, Graham, and Paul | Shorts | November 14, 2003 |
Believe us there are far worse things. | ||||||
7 | 7 | Vietnam | Jeremy | Jeremy | Sheer Stupidity | November 7, 2003 |
I love the smell of canned pasta in the morning. | ||||||
6 | 6 | 2003 Halloween Special | n/a | Graham, Bill, Matt, Jeremy, Geoffrey Tomlinson-Hood, and Duncan Hauser | Other | October 31, 2003 |
Attack of the Men with Pumpkins on Their Heads! | ||||||
5 | 5 | Is Paul a pain in the Butt? | n/a | Graham and Paul | Girly Magazine Quiz | October 24, 2003 |
An occasional ache. | ||||||
4 | 4 | Tennis | n/a | James, Jessica Miller, and Gareth Dickson | Sheer Stupidity | October 24, 2003 |
James is about to be hit in the ass with Gareth's balls. | ||||||
3 | 3 | How Sexy is Paul? | n/a | Graham and Paul | Girly Magazine Quiz | October 24, 2003 |
Prime time sexy. | ||||||
2 | 2 | Lanageddon West | n/a | Graham | On Location | October 24, 2003 |
LoadingReadyRun is on location for a Diet Lime Coke chugging constest at a LAN party. | ||||||
1 | 1 | A Brief History of Lame | Unknown | Graham and Paul | Other | October 24, 2003 |
A short history of LoadingReadyRun. |