LRR Song Archive

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Sources of Music

LoadingReadyRun's Commodore 64 music (also known as SID music) comes from a huge library of songs, which can be obtained from the High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC). They require a SID player in order to play; a list of these is available on the HVSC's downloads page. Graham uses SIDPLAY for Mac OS for converting them to use in videos.

The secondary source of music for LoadingReadyRun videos is Apple's iLife sound effects (which include tunes and jingles) and GarageBand loops; these are available to anyone who has a copy of iLife, and can most likely be downloaded off the internet by anyone who doesn't.

List of SID Tunes used in LRR Videos

Each SID tune may be a collection of tunes, and can be broken down into subsongs; if that is the case, the subsong is listed. Also shown is the directory in the HVSC where the song is stored. A point of note: each song is comprised of three different channels, the volumes of which can be controlled independently. In the case of some songs, one or two of the channels have been muted when used in a video.

Theme Tunes

Tune Subsong HVSC Path
LoadingReadyRun The Sporting News Baseball /GAMES/S-Z/Sporting_News_Baseball.sid
LRRCast Extended Cut of The Sporting News Baseball Download Here
On The Run Turbo Outrun 1 /MUSICIANS/T/Tel_Jeroen/Turbo_Outrun.sid
commodoreHUSTLE Classic /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/Classic.sid
Feed Dump Feedback Experiment /MUSICIANS/S/Sonic_Graffiti/Hayes_ben/Feedback_Experiment.sid
Feed Dump - And Now the News Some News /MUSICIANS/D/Danko_Tomas/Some_News.sid
Loading Time Atomino 3 /GAMES/A-F/Atomino.sid
The Whatever Thing Summer Camp 3 /MUSICIANS/C/Clements_Mark/Summer_Camp.sid
Sheer Stupidity Jumpman 8 /GAMES/G-L/Jumpman.sid
On Location Jumpman 9 /GAMES/G-L/Jumpman.sid
Girly Magazine Quiz Jumpman 11 /GAMES/G-L/Jumpman.sid
T-Shirt Ads & DVD Menu Gran Prix Circuit 1 /MUSICIANS/H/Hatlelid_Kris/Gran_Prix_Circuit.sid


Episode Scene Tune Subsong HVSC Path
Laundry Intro Triton 5 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
James' Laundry V-GA 2 /GAMES/S-Z/V-GA.sid
Disaster / Coping
Discovering Butterface
Bill's Plan Triton 1 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
Finding Jer
Cheese Trail
Red Intro <same as "Finding Jer">
Ninja Fishing <same as "Cheese Trail">
New DotA Map <same as "Fun With Microwaves">
Clearing Morgan's Room Triton 1 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
Critical Intro The Castle 3 /MUSICIANS/B/Benji/Castle.sid
Weighting the Dice The Castle 3 /MUSICIANS/B/Benji/Castle.sid
Planting the Dice
Introducing the SNES-Box
You Enter the Elevator
"So, Can We Take the Gold Now?" Triton 1 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
Really Into Games / Going Line Dancing Unknown 103 /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/Unknown_103.sid
It's So On
Fixer Intro
Pelvic Thrusting Unknown 103 /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/Unknown_103.sid
Kathleen's Plan <same as "It's So On">
VCPNJ Meeting
Buying the Office The Castle 3 /MUSICIANS/B/Benji/Castle.sid
Street Intro Metal Warrior 4 1 /MUSICIANS/C/Cadaver/metal_warrior_4.sid
Welcome to The Runners Metal Warrior 4 1 /MUSICIANS/C/Cadaver/metal_warrior_4.sid
I've learned... Metal Warrior 2 4 /MUSICIANS/C/Cadaver/metal_warrior_2.sid
Introducing The Runners Metal Warrior 2 1 /MUSICIANS/C/Cadaver/metal_warrior_2.sid
Viral Intro Metal Warrior 2 4 /MUSICIANS/C/Cadaver/metal_warrior_2.sid
We're LoadingReadyOnIt!
Arthur B. Borington
Confronting Borington
Foiling Borington
Directing! Acting! Writing! ... Metal Warrior 4 1 /MUSICIANS/C/Cadaver/metal_warrior_4.sid
James' House Triton 5 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
It's Go Time
Going to Rent Anime Triton 5 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
Filming at uVic Triton 5 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
Secret Filming
Morgan & Bill Join James & Adam Triton 5 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
Viral Video Montage V-GA 2 /GAMES/S-Z/V-GA.sid
Fallout Intro / Graham's Flat
Bill & Morgan's House
Matt Visits James
Tally Plays Final Fantasy Triton 5 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
Podcasting Triton 5 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
Yo VIdeo
Geoff's Plan Triton 1 /GAMES/S-Z/Triton.sid
Investigation Intro / Brad's Theme
The Aftermath
James Kisses Matt
Yo Video / Discussing Poop
Setting Up RE5
Growl Bear Suit Montage Robocop Theme /MUSICIANS/L/Link/Robocop.sid
Bros Clubbing Bros Clubbing Montage Brutal Clubbing /MUSICIANS/R/Randall/Smalltown_Boy/Brutal_Clubbing.sid

Miscellaneous Videos

Video Scene Tune Subsong HVSC Path
Various Assorted SFX Jumpman various GAMES/G-L/Jumpman.sid
Jumpman Junior various GAMES/G-L/Jumpman_Junior.sid
Ways to End a Movie The Video Game: first music Pitfall II - Lost Caverns 1 GAMES/M-R/Pitfall_II-Lost_Caverns.sid
Moore's Meadow Crop Circle Map Indiana Jones i. t. Lost Kingdom GAMES/G-L/Indiana_Jones_i_t_Lost_Kingdom.sid
Christmas Carolling on Halloween Intro Merry Christmas I 1 MUSICIANS/W/Waz/Merry_Christmas_I.sid
The Rant series Titles Ballblazer MUSICIANS\L\Lieblich_Russel\Ballblazer.sid
Underpantaloons Billy the Bear costume Bearskin MUSICIANS/B/Blues_Muz/Roestoeen_Kristian/Bearskin.sid
Training montage Eye of the Tiger MUSICIANS/S/Simon_Laszlo/Eye_of_the_Tiger.sid
CCYD Reveal of camp name Summer Camp 3 MUSICIANS/C/Clements_Mark/Summer_Camp.sid
Nanaimo Road Trip 2 Interpretive Mural Dancing Grand Prix Circuit 2 /MUSICIANS/H/Hatlelid_Kris/Grand_Prix_Circuit.sid
Nanaimo Road Trip 2 Synchronised Freestyle Walking Grand Prix Circuit 2&3 Mixed /MUSICIANS/H/Hatlelid_Kris/Grand_Prix_Circuit.sid
Nuntastic Rent-a-Furry theme Summer Camp 2 MUSICIANS/C/Clements_Mark/Summer_Camp.sid
OMG! Bears! Cutaways 3 Bears MUSICIANS/A/Andy/3_Bears.sid
Serious Cravings Al's Malevolent Meats Meatballs MUSICIANS/Z/Zyron/Meatballs.sid
Daylight Savings Intro/Outro Sunrise MUSICIANS/T/The_Magical_Garfield/Sunrise.sid
Somebody Has to Change Intro/Outro Rainbow Shuffle MUSICIANS/P/PRI/Rainbow_Shuffle.sid
Lock Out Titles / Jer montage Star Trek MUSICIANS/A/Ass_It/Star_Trek.sid
First Draft Iron Man Trailer Cardboard Man reveal Iron Men DEMOS/G-L/Iron_Men.sid
Easy Bake Spore Titles Baker Street MUSICIANS/W/Weber_Markus/Baker_Street.sid (or Baker_Street_PSID.sid)
Hanging Intro Action, Please MUSICIANS/Z/Zoolex/Action_Please.sid

Known SID tunes

Video: Scene: Song title: HVSC path:
ISC: Banana Onion Juice BGM Chinese Food MUSICIANS\D\Data\Chinese_Food.sid
ISC: Pickle Juice BGM Acid Stomach MUSICIANS\S\Sonic_Graffiti\Hayes_Ben\Acid_Stomach.sid

Unknown tunes

early season 2 LRR alt theme
various T-Shirt Ads
The Mirror Intro
Bob series Titles
Spam Theater 2 Subject:
Loading Ready Run 3000 series Titles
One Minute Shorts Titles
Hagiography Today Titles
CCYD Intro
Hell's Kitchen Intro
Stuck in a Car with Your Friends Intro
Gorgeous Montage
LRRoadtrip ComicCon 2007 series Titles
LRRoadtrip: Shaving Legs BGM
Moving Out The Move
Phailhaüs series Titles
Bandwidth Exceeded Titles/Various
Assorted Anonymous Titles
Fun with Microwaves BGM
Assessment Montage
Rapidfire II series Theme
The Lich King's New Wrath signs
The Lich King's New Wrath grinding
Phone Manner thinking montage


Video: Scene: Song title: HVSC path:
LRRcasts Outro ? ?
LRRcasts What We're Playing Now Worktune in JO's player MUSICIANS\D\DRAX\Worktunes\Worktune_in_JOs_player.sid
Ask An Alex series Titles Saliva Kid (Sub Song 1) GAMES\S-Z\Saliva_Kid.sid
Ask An Alex series Intro BGM Saliva Kid (Sub Song 2) GAMES\S-Z\Saliva_Kid.sid
Ask An Alex 2 Outro ? ?
The Shavening BGM ? ?
LRR Community Profile Intro/Outro Music Abyss GAMES\A-F\Abyss.sid

Loading Time

Video: Scene: Tune: HVSC path:
02 - Special Pax 2008 Titles Loading MUSICIANS\F\Fanta\Loading.sid
02a - Special Pax 2008 Outro ? ?
03 - All The Little People BGM ? ?
04D - Screening Loading Ready Run Awards 2008 Movie Business (Sub Song 1) GAMES\M-R\Movie_Business.sid
05 - RapStar64K BGM Samurai Trilogy (subtune 2) GAMES\S-Z\Samurai_Trilogy.sid

Extra Tracks

These are tracks to be edited in later.

commodoreHustle 10 (Geoff and Tim breaking in): /DEMOS/A-F/Creepin_Death.sid