A Sacred Duty
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This video page on LoadingReadyRun links to a video formerly hosted on Blip. The video has not been officially reposted to an alternate host, and is currently unavailable on primary hosts. | |||
True courage means doing what is necessary, no matter how much fun it might be.
Vital Statistics
Date: June 23, 2008
Category: Shorts
Appearing: Paul Saunders, Graham Stark, Matt Wiggins, James Turner
Writing: Paul Saunders
Camera: Graham Stark, Jeremy Petter
Edited by: Graham Stark
Music: "Heroes" from Apple's iLife sound effects
Location: Graham's and Matt's Place
Success has gone to Graham's head, and he's become a total jerk. Paul must carry out the sacred duty entrusted to him if ever this dark day should come...
- The plot of this video is a reference to the Justice League crossovers with Superman and Batman, in which the nigh-invulnerable Superman worries about what might happen to the world if he ever turned evil or lost control. As Batman is one of the few individuals that Superman believes to be both trustworthy and potentially capable of challenging him, Superman asks him to serve as a check against the otherwise-unopposed Man of Steel. Batman is given a ring of Kryptonite, the material that negates Superman's powers, as a means of countering his invulnerability.
- 'Phailinite', the fictitious substance in Paul's ring, is a reference to the Bonus Video series 'Phailhaüs'. It is also a reference to Kryptonite, the radioactive fragments of the planet Krypton which constitute Superman's only weakness.
- In the flashback where Graham gives Paul the ring, Graham is wearing a 'Green Lantern' shirt. Green Lantern was a superhero whose powers derived from an alien artifact in the shape of a ring. It was also the shirt worn by Graham in the first ever video on the site, A Brief History of Lame. The clip also takes place in Graham's parents' house, a common location for old videos, and begins with the duo discussing "Penrose Tiles" a name for the site that was rejected in favor of "Loading Ready Run".
- The four popped collars worn by Graham is a reference to Four-Popped-Collars Cool
- Spot the Dog appears on the table next to couch.
Season Five Shorts ◀ ●∙∙∙Sick Day National Anathema ∙∙∙● ▶ LRRcast: June 26 2008 LRRcast A Sacred Duty Transcript