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Sometimes the LRR crew play games that aren't video games. Sometimes they play them on stream. Sometimes those games are not Magic the Gathering!

AFK is a LoadingReadyRun livestream show, typically streaming at 6PM PST/9PM EST on Friday/2AM GMT on Saturday. It is hosted by multiple streamers and features a board or card game.

Before the Tabletop Day 2016 stream on the 30th of April, 2016, a number of AFK style streams were part of Crossing the Streams. An AFK intro first appeared in the 20th of May 2016 Hero Quest stream.

LRR is trying to maintain a list of their board game collection here:

YouTube Playlists

The video playlists for AFK can be found on the LRR Streams YouTube Channel or the LRR Tabletop YouTube Channel.

LRR Streams AFK YouTube Playlist (up to 2022-04-27) and LRR Tabletop AFK YouTube Playlist (2022-05-04 onward).

List of Episodes


Date Title Link
2025-02-12 Star Wars Shatterpoint [ Link]
Time for AFK! Tonight we're having a Star War! Ben, James and Funko are trying out Star Wars Shatterpoint!
2025-02-05 Gellerpox Infected Vs Death Korps of Krieg KT 24' Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben's Gellerpox Infected takes on Alex's Death Korps of Kreig. Whoever Wins, we also win!
2025-01-29 Robo Rally 2023 Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben, Cori, Beej and Dale are racing robots in Robo Rally!
2025-01-22 ARCS Board Game Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're In space with ARCS Board Game.
2025-01-15 Red Dragon Inn Link
AFK? I'm In! It's time for Red Dragon Inn!
2025-01-08 Altered Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're playing the Altered card game.
2025-01-01 Monikers Link
Tonight on AFK! Adam, Serge, Ben, Ian, Nelson, and Beej are ringing in the new year with some MONIKERS. Join us!


Date Title Link
2024-12-18 Everdell [ Link]
Time for AFK! Tonight we're playing adorable animals in Everdell with the Newleaf and Bellfaire expansions!
2024-12-11 Lorcana Constructed Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're having a 4 Player Lorcana Fight Night!
2024-11-28 Ticket to Ride: Europe Link
Tonight on The Long Game, it’s a surprise AFK! Ian and Cori aren’t able to make it in, but Beej, James, and Nelson are sticking to the Ticket to Ride family. We’re going to Europe! And then Europe in half time, then in quarter time. Tune in to figure out what that means :)
2024-11-27 Killteam Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben's Novitiates take on Jacob's Hierotek Circle in Killteam!
2024-11-20 Luffy's Bento Panic Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're playing Luffy's Bento Panic!
2024-10-31 APPmosFEAR Link
Time for a very Spoopy AFK! Tonight we're playing AtmosFEAR, the app aka APPmosFEAR!
2024-10-23 Psycho Killer: with the Crime Time Expansion Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are playing Psycho Killer: with the Crime Time Expansion
2024-10-16 Mysterium Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are psychics solving ghost mysteries on Mysterium!
2024-10-11 Killteam 2024 Link
Time for a bonus AFK! tonight Ian's T'au Pathfinders take on Cameron's Phobos Strike Team in Killteam!
2024-10-09 Horrified: World of Monsters Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are fighting monsters in Horrified: World of Monsters!
2024-10-02 Vampire the Masquerade: Rivals Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben and Jacob are rivals in Vampire the Masquerade: Rivals
2024-09-25 Lorcana Illumineer's Quest: Deep Trouble Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're facing off against Ursula in Lorcana Illumineer's Quest: Deep Trouble.
2024-09-18 Quacks of Queldinburg Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're making potions (and explosions) in Quacks of Queldinburg!
2024-09-11 Chocobo Dungeon: The Board Game Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we have to work together to help our bird friend in Chocobo Dungeon: The Board Game!
2024-08-22 Crokinole Link

2024-08-14 Hero: Tales of the Tomes Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're playing Hero: Tales of the Tomes
2024-07-31 Mahjong Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are playing Mahjong!
2024-07-24 Elestrals Link
It's time! Join the Ben's as they try out Elestrals for the first time!
2024-07-10 Snap Ships Tactics Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are making little ships go pewpew in Snap Ships Tactics!
2024-06-26 Dice Forge Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are forging and rolling dice to please the gods in Dice Forge!
2024-06-19 Cubitos Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are racing animal cubes in Cubitos!
2024-06-12 Everdell: New Leaf Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're making an adorable town for happy woodland creatures in Everdell: New Leaf!
2024-06-08 Slay the Spire: The Board Game Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are playing Slay the Spire: The Board Game with special guest Jorbs
2024-06-05 Guilty Gear Strive: The Board Game Link
Time for AFK! Tonight it's Ben vs Benjamin in Guilty Gear Strive: The Board Game
2024-05-01 Monikers Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're guessing, gesturing and making noises with Monikers!
2024-04-24 Star Wars: Unlimited Link
Time for AFK! Tonight the force is with us because we're playing Star Wars: Unlimited!
2024-04-17 Marvel Dice Throne Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're rollin' dice and punching faces in Marvel Dice Throne!
2024-04-03 Wingspan Link
Time for AFK! Tonight James, Wheeler and Matt are feeding birds and making eggs on in Wingspan!
2024-03-25 Marvel Crisis Protocol Link

2024-03-11 Lorcana Into the Inklands Draft Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are drafting the brand new Lorcana set. Join us as we go Into the Inklands!
2024-03-01 Sonic Roll Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we have a special bonus stream of Sonic Roll
2024-02-26 Wavelength Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are testing that we are all on the same WAVELENGTH.
2024-02-12 Warcry Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are trying out the Warhammer Fantasy skirmish game, Warcry!
2024-01-29 Art Society Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we playing fancy art curators in Art Society!
2024-01-15 Mycelia Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're gathering dewdrops for the forest goddess in Mycelia.
2024-01-01 Cartographers Link
It's a new year! Time to Map out what we plan on doing for the whole thing. No pressure. It's Cartographers on AFK!


Date Title Link
2023-12-27 War Chest Link
Time for AFK! Tonight, Matt and Nelson are going head to head in War Chest!
2023-12-20 Flamecraft Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are gathering adorable dragons on Flamecraft!
2023-12-13 6-Player Lorcana Draft Link
Time for AFK! Get your Mickeys and your Donalds together, because we're DRAFTING!
2023-12-06 Monikers Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are guessing words and things in Monikers!
2023-11-29 Telestrations Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are communicating in drawings with Telestrations!
2023-11-22 Vivarium Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're discovering exciting new animals in Vivarium!
2023-11-01 Sushi Boat Link
With Benjamin Wheeler, Ben Ulmer, Ian, and Heather
2023-10-25 AtmosFEAR: The Soul Rangers Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Alex, Ben, Graham, Ian and Jacob to battle with Dr. Mastiff in AtmosFEAR: The Soul Rangers
2023-10-19 Kill Team: Kommandos vs Death Guard Link
Time for a bonus AFK! Tonight Ben's Deathguard take on Funko's Kommandos
2023-10-18 Unfathomable Link
Time for AFK! Tonight be are playing Unfathomable
2023-10-18 Psycho Killer : Bloody Mary Expansion Link

2023-09-27 RoboRally Link
Time for AFK! Tonight, Ian Dale and Alex are racing robots around a dangerous factory floor in RoboRally!
2023-09-13 Monikers Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're guessing things in different ways on Monikers
2023-09-06 Lorcana Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are getting our Disney on with Lorcana
2023-08-30 Parks Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben, Jacob, Kathleen and James battle to see who can have the most emotionally fulfilling wildness hike in Parks
2023-08-23 Cartographers Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ian, Ben, Cameron and Nelson are Cartographers mapping the northern lands for Queen Gimnax!
2023-08-16 Marvel Champions: The Card Game Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are, at long last, playing Marvel Champions.
2023-08-09 Kill Team Link
Time for Kill Team on AFK! Tonight Ian's T'au take on Ben Adepta Sororitas Novitiates in the age old battle of pew pew vs QQ
2023-08-02 Wingspan Link
Time for birb time on AFK! Tonight Matt, Wheeler and Cori are playing Wingspan!
2023-07-26 Camel Up Supercup Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are racing and betting on Camels in Camel Up Supercup! Camelupsupercup Camelupsupercup Camelupsupercup
2023-07-19 Batsu Link
Time for AFK! Tonight get ready for challenges and punishments, because we're playing Batsu!
2023-06-14 HeroQuest - Quest for the Sword of Sorcery Link
Tonight on AFK (The final in Moonbase Mk.V) Join Paul as he guides Graham, Ben, Beej, and Ian through the community made HeroQuest adventure Quest for the Sword of Sorcery!
2023-06-07 Kill Team Link
Time for Killteam on AFK! Tonight Ben's Legionaries are taking on Max's Skitarii Hunter Clade.
2023-05-31 Poker Link
Tonight on AFK, its poker night at the Moonbase!
2023-05-24 Everdell Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are adorable woodland creatures preparing for winter in Everdell!
2023-05-17 Monikers Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we have a legion of LRR folks shouting and guessing things on Monikers.
2023-05-10 Tokaido Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ian, Matt and Alex compete to have the richest travel experience in Tokaido!
2023-05-03 Kill Team Link
It's Kill Team night on AFK! Tonight Ben's Novitiates face off against Erika's Tyranids.
2023-04-26 Dollars to Donuts Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're running fancy donut shops in Dollars to Donuts!
2023-04-19 Streets Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are taking to the streets and playing Streets!
2023-04-12 Bullet! Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are playing kick-ass anime ladies shooting each other in SHMUP-inspired board game, Bullet!
2023-04-05 Kill Team Link
Time for Killteam on AFK! Tonight Ben's Talons of the Emperor are Taking on Cameron's Necron Hierotek Circle!
2023-03-22 Smash Up Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're smashing decks of pop culture tropes together in Smash up!
2023-03-15 Disney Sorcerer's Arena Epic Alliances Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Beej and Heather are having a wizard fight on Disney Sorcerer's Arena Epic Alliances.
2023-03-08 Heroes of Barcadia Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are drinking responsibly with Rollacrit's Heroes of Barcadia!
2023-03-01 Kill Team Link
Time for another Kill Team night on AFK! This time Ben's Death Guard is up against Jacob's Orkz.
2023-02-22 Camel Up Super Cup Link
Camel Up Super Cup Camel Up Super Cup Camel Up Super Cup! Time for Camel Up Super Cup on AFK!
2023-02-22 What On Earth Are You Talking About? Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are running back the kickstarter game, What on Earth are you Talking About? but with the spicy Not Safe for Aliens cards.
2023-02-15 Red Dragon Inn Link
AFK!? We're In! Tonight we're playing Red Dragon Inn!
2023-02-08 Monikers Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're going back to Monikers! Let's guess some words!
2023-02-08 What On Earth Are You Talking About? Link
Time for a bonus AFK! LRR is playing "What On Earth Are You Talking About?", be an Alien and explain Human Concepts to your friends! Check out their kickstarter at
2023-02-01 Kill Team Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben shows James the ropes on a Warhammer 40,000: Killteam teaching stream
2023-01-25 Everdell Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben, Serge and Kathleen are joined by special guest Becca Scott for Everdell!
2023-01-11 Cult Following Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are trying to do something we know nothing about: starting a Cult Following!
2023-01-04 Gamer Monopoly Overwatch edition Link
Let's get on the point! We're playing Gamer Monopoly Overwatch edition tonight on AFK!


Date Title Link
2022-12-28 Kill Team Link
Time for Kill Team on AFK! Tonight Ben and Ian battle the Death Guard vs Grey Knights!
2022-12-14 Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid Link
Time for AFK! Tonight it's Morphin' Time! Wheeler, Beej and Ben are playing Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid.
2022-12-07 Monikers Link
Let’s describe people! Graham, Jacob, Matt, and Alex are playing Monikers on AFK!
2022-11-30 Kill Team Link
Time for AFK! This week Cameron and Ben are fighting over a big spaceship in Kill Team.
2022-11-23 Cubitos Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ian, Ben and James are racing cubes in Cubitos!
2022-11-02 Wavelength Link
Time for AFK! is the whole LRR Crew on the same Wavelength? Tonight we find out!
2022-10-26 Atmosfear: Khufu the Mummy Link
Time for AFK! We thought we had played all the Atmosfear games, but the Mummy Khufu says different!
2022-10-19 Telestrations Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are playing an extra spoopy game of Telestrations!
2022-10-12 Vampire the Masquerade: Rivals Link

2022-10-05 Scooby-Doo: Betrayal at Mystery Mansion Link
Tonight it's the start of Spooptober on AFK! We start the month with the scariest game: Scooby-Doo: Betrayal at Mystery Mansion!
2022-09-28 Quacks of Quedlinburg Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're brewin up something spicy on Quacks of Quedlinburg!
2022-09-21 Fireball Island Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ian, Heather, Ben and James are stealing treasure and dodging fireballs on Fireball Island!
2022-09-14 Tang Garden Link
Time for Tang Garden on AFK w/ Kathleen, Wheeler, Matt & Ian
2022-09-07 Root Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben, Ian, Cameron and Beej are getting back to their Roots
2022-08-31 Telestrations Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're drawing some words and wording some draws with Telestrations!
2022-08-17 Fort Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're going to be the coolest kids on the playground in Fort!
2022-08-10 Epic Spell Wars Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are having some Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards!
2022-08-03 Gamer Monopoly Link
Time for AFK! 2 things gamers love: free 2 day shipping and monopolistic business practices so let's play Gamer Monopoly!
2022-07-27 Kill Team Ep4 Link

2022-07-20 Kill Team Ep3 Link
Time for AFK! Tonight it's Ben vs Jacob as we continue our month of Warhammer Kill Team streams.
2022-07-16 Tabletop Day Hero Quest Ticket to Ride Europe Wingspan Flinch Dungeon Mayhem
Join us tomorrow morning for our annual Tabletop Day stream! We go live at 10AM Pacific, and have a full day of board games and friendship for y’all.
2022-07-13 Kill Team Ep2 Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are continue our month of Warhammer 40k Kill Team!
2022-07-06 Kill Team Ep1 Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are starting our month of Warhammer 40k Kill Team!
2022-06-29 Dice Throne Adventures Link
We're rolling cubes and slaying n00bs in Dice Throne Adventures, tonight on AFK!
2022-06-22 Digimon Card Game Link
Time for AFK! Turnermon, Ulmemon, Savimon, and Wheelemon are playing the Digimon Card Game!
2022-06-15 Istanbul: The Dice Game Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're rolling dice and buying rubies on Istanbul: The Dice Game!
2022-06-08 Trapwords Link
Time for AFK! Tonight it's a TRAP! We're playing Trapwords!
2022-06-01 Skytear Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are playing the tabletop MOBA, Skytear!
2022-05-18 Flesh and Blood Link
Time for AFK! Ben, Adam and Wheeler are playing/learning Flesh and Blood!
2022-05-11 Dungeon Mayhem Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we are having some Dungeon Mayhem!
2022-05-04 Star Wars: Assault on the Death Star VCR Board Game Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're playing Star Wars: Assault on the Death Star VCR Board Game. May the 4th be with us!
2022-04-27 Red Dragon Inn Link
AFK? We're in! Time for Red Dragon Inn on AFK.
2022-04-20 Root with Underworld Expansion Link

2022-04-13 Empyreal: Spells & Steam Link
Time for AFK! This week it's back to the train game, and we're not talking about Ticket to Ride. We're playing Empyreal: Spells & Steam.
2022-04-06 Camel Up: Supercup Link
Camel Up Supercup! Camel Up Supercup! Time for Camel Up Supercup on AFK!
2022-03-30 Century: Spice Road Link
Tonight on AFK, the spice must flow! Ian, Kathleen, Matt, and Wheeler are playing Century: Spice Road
2022-03-23 Steampunk Rally Link
We've go the NEED for SPEED on AFK this week. Ian, Ben, James and Nelson are playing Steampunk Rally!
2022-03-16 Dark Souls: The Board Game Link
Time for AFK! Tonight we're playing Dark Souls, butawnot like you're thinking, its the Dark Souls Board Game!
2022-03-09 Cytosis Link
Time for AFK! Ian, Matt, Wheeler, and Nelson are doing some some Cell Biology with Cytosis
2022-03-02 Flesh and Blood Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben and Wheeler are here in the flesh and playing/learning Flesh and Blood
2022-02-23 Descent: Journeys in the Dark Link
Tonight on AFK join Ben, Jacob, Wheeler, and James as they descend into Descent: Journeys in the Dark, a game James bought at PAX Unplugged 2019.
2022-02-09 The Quacks of Quedilnburg Link
Time for AFK! This week, Graham, Wheeler, Beej, and Ben are very reputable alchemists with The Quacks of Quedilnburg!
2022-02-02 Dice Throne Link
Time for Dice Throne on AFK! Let's roll some dice!
2022-01-19 XCOM: The Board Game Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Wheeler, Ian, Adam, and Jacob are playing XCOM: The Board Game, what could go wrong?
2022-01-12 Empyreal: Spells and Steam Link
Time for AFK! Beej, Graham, Jacob and Matt are building magic trains on Empyreal: Spells and Steam!


Date Title Link
2021-12-29 Tang Garden Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben, Ian, Nelson and Wheeler are expert garden architects in Tang Garden!
2021-12-22 Tiny Towns Link
We built this city on AFK! Serge, Ian, and Ben are playing Tiny Towns
2021-12-15 Dice Forge Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Kathleen, Griffiths and Beej are forging dice and winning favor with the gods on Dice Forge!
2021-12-08 Atmosfear + Scooby-Doo: Betrayal At The Mystery Mansion! Atmosfear Scooby-Doo: Betrayal At The Mystery Mansion
Tonight on AFK, it’s a double-feature! We’re playing SCOOBY-DOO BETRAYAL, but starting with a #sponsored preshow of ATMOSFEAR! AFK continues with tonight’s feature presentation, SCOOBY-DOO: BETRAYAL AT THE MYSTERY MANSION! with Graham, Ben, Ian and Beej
2021-12-01 Camel Up Super Cup Link
Time for AFK! Ben, Ian, Serge and Kathleen are back in studio to play Camel Up Super Cup.


Date Title Link
2020-03-18 Wingspan Link
Going live with AFK, right now! Come take flight with us as we play Wingspan! 🦅
2020-03-11 Dune (2019) Link
The spice must flowwwww~ Tonight on AFK, we’re playing DUNE (2019).
2020-03-04 Burgle Bros. Link
Let’s do crimes! We’re playing Burgle Bros. tonight on AFK!
2020-02-26 Food Card Game Roundup Link
Time for AFK! Beej, Heather and Matt are doing Food Card Game Roundup! Point Salad + Sandwich Masters + Sushi Go!
2020-02-19 Dice Forge Ep2 Link
Time for Dice Forge on AFK!
2020-02-12 Discover Lands Unknown Ep2 Link
Going live with AFK, right now! cinema It’s time for us to once again Discover Lands Unknown
2020-02-05 Camel Up Super Cup Ep3 Link
Time for Camel Up on AFK!
2020-01-29 Minecraft: Builders & Biomes Link
Wait. It’s not Tuesday morning! What’s this Minecraft doing in our AFK?! Join James, Serge and Alex for Minecraft: Builders & Biomes!
2020-01-22 Isle of Skye Link
Time for AFK! Ben, Cameron, Matt and Kathleen are fighting over the Isle of Skye!
2020-01-15 The Captain is Dead! Link
All hands on deck! It’s time for AFK, and “The Captain is Dead!” Thankfully we’ve got a full crew compliment with Heather, Beej, Kathleen, and Ian to finish the mission.
2020-01-08 Mansions of Madness Ep2 Link
Going live with AFK! We return... to the Mansions of Madness!!
2020-01-01 Mystic Vale Link
Time for AFK! Ben, Serge, Beej and Matt are playing Mystic Vale!


Date Title Link
2019-12-18 Keyforge Ep3 Link
Tonight on AFK! It’s KEYFORGE!
2019-12-18 Keyforge Ep3 Link
Tonight on AFK! It’s KEYFORGE!
2019-12-11 The Adventure Zone: Bureau of Balance Link
Tonight on AFK! The Adventure Zone: Bureau of Balance! #sponsored by Twogether Studios
2019-12-04 Rising Sun Link
Going live with AFK right now, and we’re playing Rising Sun! ⛩
2019-11-27 Tiny Towns Link
Time for AFK! Serge, Kathleen, Matt and Ben are making Tiny Towns!
2019-11-20 Book It! The Pro Wrestling Promoter Card Game Link
They’re... here?? Graham, Adam, and Beej, are playing Book It! The Pro Wrestling Promoter Card Game, on AFK!
2019-10-30 AtmosFear Link
You, the one who is reading now… Come get into the blaggole with us. It’s time for AtmosFear on AFK!
2019-10-23 The Bloody Inn / Gloom Link
Time to be terrible people on AFK with The Bloody Inn and Gloom!
2019-10-16 Mansions of Madness Link
Board Game? Check. 4 Cute Canadian Boys? Check. Coffee? Check. Perfect. Out Pre-AFK chicklist is complete. Let's goooooooooo!
2019-10-09 Fate of the Elder Gods Link
Spooptober continues on AFK! Ben, Matt and Nelson are competing to bring the apocalypse in Fate of the Elder Gods.
2019-10-02 Mysterium Link
Let's get Spooptober going with Mysterium on AFK!
2019-09-25 King of Tokyo and Welcome to the Dungeon Link
Going live with AFK. Come join us for tabletop fun, featuring King of Tokyo and Welcome to the Dungeon
2019-09-18 War Chest Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben and Matt are playing War Chest!
2019-09-11 Demon Worker Link
Time to get to work! 💼 Going live with Demon Worker on AFK!
2019-09-04 Bargain Quest Link
Time for AFK. Kathleen, Cori, Ben and Heather are playing Bargain Quest!
2019-08-28 Forbidden Island and Mexican Chain Dominoes Link
for AFK! Tonight Dale, Beej and Matt are playing Forbidden Island and Dominoes!
2019-08-21 Fog of Love Ep2 Link
We might be away from the keyboard, but our hearts are closer than ever with Fog of Love, going online right now!
2019-08-14 5-Minute Dungeon Link
Join these fine Canadian humans for this evenings AFK where we’re playing 5-Minute Dungeon!
2019-08-07 Crokinole Ep4 Link
Going live with AFK! Tonight, it’s our old favourite: CROKINOLE!
2019-08-03 Dice Throne Adventures Link
Join us for sneak peak look at Dice Throne Adventures! Thanks to the folks at Roxley Games for sponsoring today’s stream and be sure to check out their Kickstarter.
2019-07-31 Mahjong Link
Special guest, and long-time DB volunteer, Andre Van Slyke has brought his self-made mahjong table, as we learn and play tonight on AFK!
2019-07-27 Tabletop Day (Observed) Link
Going live with our Tabletop Day stream! 🎲 Starting off with Hero Quest! 🛡

Hey y’all! We’re moving onto the Betrayal Legacy portion of today’s Tabletop Day stream.
TableTop Day continues with 👽 Cosmic Encounters! 🚀
Tabletop Day continues. Before we move onto our next scheduled game, Graham has some bullshit to share with us. Join us won’t you.
Fireball Island
Yes, my Gatekeeper: It’s happening! We’re playing ATMOSFEAR, the DVD game!
Closing out the Tabletop Day Stream with a rousing game of Cards Against Humanity. Viewer discretion is advised :)

2019-07-10 Red Dragon Inn Ep4 Link
Gambling? We’re in! It’s Red Dragon Inn AFK, right now! 🎲
2019-07-10 X-Wing Board Game Link
Going live with AFK, right now! Let’s play X-Wing, the miniatures game!
2019-07-03 Dice Throne Ep2 Link
Going live with AFK, right now! Let’s play Dice Throne!
2019-06-26 Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right Ep3 Link
Going live with AFK, right now! Let’s play some ROOT! 🌳
2019-06-12 VIAE - Roads of Rome Link
Time for AFK! Ben, Serge, Beej and Matt are playing VIAE - Roads of Rome!
2019-06-05 Dice Throne Ep1 Link
Hey hey it’s AFK! Tonight we’re playing Roxley Games’ DICE THRONE!
2019-05-29 404: Law Not Found / Cards Against Humanity Link
Going live with AFK, right now! We’re playing 404: Law Not Found
2019-05-22 Rising Sun Link
Time for AFK! Cori, Serge, Ben and Cameron are playing Rising Sun!
2019-05-15 Space Base Link
Going live with AFK, right now! Let’s put on our space pants and play some Space Base!
2019-05-08 Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right Ep2 Link
Going live with AFK, right now! It’s time for more ROOT! 🎦
2019-05-01 Who Goes There? Link
Going live with AFK, right now! Tonight we’re doing the thing, playing Who Goes There! 🎦
2019-04-24 XCOM: The Board Game Ep2 Link
Going live with AFK, right now! We’re back on UFO defence duty with more X-COM: The Board Game! 🎦
2019-04-17 Dice Forge Link
Time for AFK! Ben, Beej, Adam and Serge are competing for the favor of the gods in Dice Forge!
2019-04-10 Mysterium Link

2019-04-03 Clank! in Space! Link
Going live with AFK, right now! We’re playing “Clank in Spaaaaaaaaace…” 🚀
2019-03-27 Cosmic Encounter Link
Going live with AFK, right now! Let’s play Cosmic Encounter! 🎦
2019-03-20 Fog Of Love Ep1 Link
Ben and James are live with this evenings AFK! Tonight we’re playing @FogOfLoveGame! We’re gonna date each other so good y’all. Come hangout and watch!
2019-03-13 Pandemic Legacy Ep10 - ??? Link
Going live with AFK, right now! Pandemic Legacy is back!
2019-03-06 Concordia Link
Going live with AFK, right now! Let’s play Concordia! 🎦
2019-02-27 Discover: Lands Unknown Ep1 Link
Going live with AFK, right now! We’re playing Discover Lands Unknown! 🎦
2019-02-20 Keyforge Ep2: Call Of the Archons Link
Going live with AFK, right now! 🎦 We’re playing more Keyforge: Call Of the Archons!
2019-02-13 War Chest Link
These precious humans are playing @alderac’s War Chest on tonight’s AFK.
2019-02-06 Pandemic Legacy Ep9 - July #2 Link
Going live with AFK, right now! Let’s run it back with Pandemic Legacy: July II Infectious Boogaloo. 🎦
2019-01-30 Cosmic Encounter Link
Time for AFK! Tonight Ben, Ian, Beej and Adam are having a Cosmic Encounter
2019-01-23 Ticket to Ride: Europe Link
Time for AFK! Beej, Cameron, Ben and Ian are getting a Ticket to Ride all over Europe!
2019-01-16 Disney Villainous Link
Tonight on AFK, Ben, Kathleen and Adam reveal their true colours in Villainous!
2019-01-09 Keyforge Ep1 Link
These three fine gentlemen are live with tonight’s AFK playing @FFGames Keyforge!
2019-01-02 Pandemic Legacy Ep8 - June & July #1 Link
Going live with AFK, right now, playing Pandemic Legacy! 🎦


Date Title Link
2018-12-19 Red Dragon Inn Ep3 Link
Going live with AFK, playing Red Dragon Inn, right now! 🎦
2018-12-12 Fireball Island Link
Going live with AFK! ☄️ FIREBALL ISLAND! ☄️
2018-12-05 Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right Ep1 Link
Time for AFK! This week Ben, Cameron, Kathleen and Ian are playing Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right.
2018-11-28 Pandemic Legacy Ep7 - May #2 Link
Going live with AFK, right now, playing Pandemic Legacy! 🎦
2018-10-31 Atmosfear DVD/Betrayal at the House on the Hill Link
Going live with AFK, right now, playing Atmosfear! 🎦
2018-10-17 Pandemic Legacy Ep6 - May Link
Going live with AFK, playing Pandemic Legacy right now! 🎦
2018-10-10 Betrayal at House on the Hill Ep3 Link
It’s time for a very spoooooooky episode of AFK. Join these fine gentlemen for an evening of Betrayal at House on the Hill.

Insert Ben is the traitor joeks

2018-10-03 Mysterium Ep2 Link
Time for spoops on AFK! Ben, Beej, Heather and Cameron are playing Mysterium!
2018-09-26 Camel Up: Super Cup Ep2 Link

2018-09-12 Pandemic Legacy Ep5 - April Link
Going live with AFK, playing Pandemic Legacy right now! 🎦
2018-09-05 Thornwatch Link
Tonight on AFK we’re playing Thornwatch! Join Ben, Beej, Adam and special guest Erick Beker from Child's Play.
2018-08-22 Pandemic Legacy Ep4 - March Link
Going live with AFK, playing Pandemic Legacy right now! 🎦
2018-08-15 Ruby Roundup Link
Time for AFK! Kathleen, Ben, Serge, Beej are playing Ruby Roundup! joined by Dan, the game's creator!
2018-08-08 Fallout The Boardgame Ep2 Link
Going live with AFK! Tonight we’re playing more Fallout: The Boardgame!
2018-08-01 Zombicide - Black Plague Link
Going live with AFK, playing Zombicide - Black Plague right now! 🎦
2018-07-18 X-COM The Board Game Link
Going live with AFK, playing X-COM, right now! 🎦
2018-07-11 Pandemic Legacy Ep3 - February 2 Link
Time for AFK! This week Beej, Ben, Ian and Adam take another crack at saving February in Pandemic Legacy.
2018-07-04 Red November Link
James, Cameron, Ian and Serge are tiny gnomes in a poorly serviced submarine on tonight’s AFK. We’re playing Red November.
2018-06-20 Pandemic Legacy Ep2 - February 1 Link
February attempt 1
2018-06-13 Fallout The Boardgame Ep1 Link

2018-06-06 Mistborn: House War Link

2018-05-16 Camel Up: Super Cup Ep1 Link

2018-05-09 Red Dragon Inn Link

2018-05-02 Pandemic Legacy Ep1 - January Link
2018-04-28 International Tabletop Day 2018 Link
Individual links: Quest, King of Tokyo, Snake Oil, Risk Legacy Game 15, Atmosfear: The Harbingers, Cards Against Humanity
2018-04-25 Coup, Banishment, and Welcome to the Dungeon Link

2018-04-18 Risk Legacy Ep12 Link
Game 14
2018-04-11 FLOCK Link

2018-04-04 Space Hulk Link
Mission 3: Exterminate
2018-03-28 The Shadow over Westminster Link

2018-03-21 Risk Legacy Ep11 Link
Game 12 and 13
2018-03-07 Spirit Island Link

2018-02-28 Arcadia Quest Link

2018-02-21 Space Hulk Link

2018-02-14 Crokinole Link

2018-02-07 Risk Legacy Ep10 Link
Game 11
2018-01-31 Betrayal at Baldur's Gate Ep2 Link

2018-01-24 Mysterium Ep1 Link

2018-01-17 Illimat Link

2018-01-10 Bob Ross: The Art of Chill Link


Date Title Link
2017-12-27 Hero Quest Ep8 Link

2017-12-20 Risk Legacy Ep9 Link
Game 10
2017-12-13 Mangaka Ep2 Link

2017-12-06 Ticket to Ride: Europe Link

2017-11-08 Dice Forge Link

2017-11-01 Risk Legacy Ep8 Link
Game 9
2017-10-25 T.I.M.E. Stories Link

2017-10-13 Nightmare IV Link

2017-10-04 Betrayal at Baldur's Gate Link

2017-09-27 Dropmix Link

2017-09-20 Dune: The Dice Game Link

2017-09-13 Hero Quest Ep7 Link

2017-09-08 MtG - Canadian Highlander Link

2017-08-04 Risk Legacy Ep7 Link
Game 8
2017-07-31 Action Cats Link

2017-07-28 Crokinole Ep2 Link

2017-07-21 Settlers of Catan Link

2017-07-14 MtG: Hour of Devastation Draft Link

2017-07-12 MtG: Hour of Devastation Case Opening Link

2017-07-01 MtG: Hour of Devastation Pre-Prerelease Link

2017-06-23 MtG: Commander Link

2017-06-16 Betrayal at the House on the Hill: Widow's Walk Link

2017-06-14 Naruto Shippuden: The Board Game Link

2017-06-09 Monopoly Link

2017-06-02 Risk Legacy Ep6 Link
Game 7
2017-05-19 Red Dragon Inn Link

2017-05-26 MtG: Highlander Cube Draft Link

2017-05-12 MtG - Amonkhet Draft Link

2017-05-05 Paranoia Link

2017-04-29 International Tabletop Day 2017 – Spyfall Link

2017-04-29 International Tabletop Day 2017 – Red Dragon Inn Link

2017-04-29 International Tabletop Day 2017 – Nightmare 3 Link

2017-04-29 International Tabletop Day 2017 – Jenga Link

2017-04-29 International Tabletop Day 2017 – Heroquest Link

2017-04-29 International Tabletop Day 2017 – Crokinole Link

2017-04-29 International Tabletop Day 2017 – Cards Against Humanity Link

2017-04-29 International Tabletop Day 2017 – Betrayal at the House on the Hill Link

2017-04-26 Magic: the Gathering — Amonkhet Case Opening Link

2017-04-21 Dominion Link

2017-04-15 Magic: The Gathering — Amonkhet Pre PreRelease Link

2017-04-07 Risk Legacy Ep5 Link
Game 6
2017-03-31 Magic: the Gathering - Chaos Draft Link

2017-03-29 Grow Link

2017-03-24 Arcadia Quest Link

2017-03-17 Magic: the Gathering — Modern Masters 2017 Link

2017-03-10 Risk Legacy Ep4 Link
Games 4 and 5
2017-02-24 Dusk City Outlaws Link

2017-02-17 HeroQuest Ep6 Link

2017-02-10 Millennium Blades Link

2017-02-03 Risk Legacy Ep3 Link
Game 3
2017-01-27 Betrayal at the House on the Hill & Crokinole Ep2 Link

2017-01-20 Aether Revolt Draft Link

2017-01-18 Crack a Case of Aether Revolt Link

2017-01-13 Crokinole Link

2017-01-06 Magic: The Gathering — Aether Revolt Pre PreRelease Link


Date Title Link
2016-12-30 Mechs vs. Minions Link

2016-12-23 Nightmare II Link

2016-12-16 Mangaka Link

2016-12-09 Canadian Highlander Replay unavailable

2016-11-25 Commander 2016 Link

2016-11-04 Risk Legacy Ep2 Link
Game 2
2016-10-28 Betrayal at the House on the Hill Link

2016-10-14 Secret Hitler Ep2 Link

2016-10-14 Risk Legacy Ep1 Link
Game 1
2016-10-07 HeroQuest Ep5 Link

2016-09-30 MtG: Kaladesh 6-Person Paper Draft Link

2016-09-23 Timeline and Timeline Challenge Link

2016-09-18 MTG: Kaladesh Pre-Pre-Release Link

2016-09-16 Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Klingon Challenge Link

2016-09-09 Ticket to Ride Link

2016-08-26 MTG: Conspiracy 2 Draft Link

2016-08-19 Party games! Link

2016-08-12 Terra Mystica Link

2016-08-05 Etin D&D Ep3 Link

2016-07-22 Eldritch Moon Draft Link

2016-07-15 Tactical Roll Link

2016-07-12 MtGEMN Pre-Prerelease Link

2016-07-01 Nightmare Link

2016-06-24 MtG Pauper Cube Draft Link

2016-06-17 D&D "Etin" Ep2 Link

2016-06-10 MtG Eternal Masters Link

2016-06-03 Lego Build Link

2016-05-27 MtG Chaos Draft Link

2016-05-20 HeroQuest Ep4 Link

2016-04-30 Tabletop Day 2016 Link

The Legend of Drizzt, Love Letter, Citadels, Dixit, Discount Salmon, Cards Against Humanity, Secret Hitler

2016-04-16 D&D "Etin" Ep1 Link

2016-03-26 MtG – Shadows Over Innistrad Pre-Prerelease Link
Brought to you by Wizards of the Coast.
2016-03-04 MtG – Foil Shards of Alara Draft Link

2016-02-27 HeroQuest Ep3 Link

2016-02-06 MtG: Canadian Highlander Replay unavailable

2016-01-29 RoboRally Link

2016-01-17 MtG OGW Prerelease Sealed Deck Showdown Link


Date Title Link
2015-12-12 MtG Commander 2015 Link

2015-10-24 Hero Quest Ep2 Link

2015-10-03 Hero Quest Ep1 Link

2015-09-05 Cards Against Humanity Link

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Play It Forward (Varies) · Can't Draw Horses Club (Mon 1 PM) · Crossing the Streams (Mon 5 PM) · Mine O'Clock (Tue 10 AM) · Talking Simulator (Tue 1:30 PM) · Let’s NOPE! (Tue 5 PM) · Watch+Play (Alt Wed 2 PM) · AFK (Wed 5 PM) · LRRMtG (Thur 2 PM) · Tinker Tailor Solder Fry (Alt Thur 5 PM) · The Long Game (Alt Thur 5 PM) · Oki Oki Fight Club (Fri 9 AM) · ChillPoint (Fri 2 PM) · Friday Night Paper Fight (Fri 5 PM) · LoadingReadyLIVE (Once per month Sat 6 PM) · Brave New Faves (Sat 9:30PM on /bravenewfaves) · Is This Your Card? (Sun 8 AM) · Rhythm Cafe (Sun 4 PM)

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∙∙∙●  Retired Shows:
18 Games ...and Counting · A Swiftly Tilting Cameron · Adam's Gamehaüs · Beej's Backlog · Games of Chance · Graham & Paul Let's Play · Heather's Handhelds · House of Stark · I, Horner · IDDQDerp · Kathleen Saves the World · Matters of Import · NewDay TewsDay · Now Kiss! · The Book of Passwords · Things on my Stream · Video Games with Video James

All times are Moonbase Time